FLORENCE, Mass. — Letters for Healing (www.lettersforhealing.com) announces the release of their book “Letters to Fathers from Daughters: A Pathway to Healing and Hope” (ISBN: 978-1-932279-74-0). It honors the undeniably crucial bond between daughters and their dads from the daughters’ perspective.

Both authors used letter writing to heal their relationships with their fathers. “We wanted to provide an opportunity for daughters to say things left unsaid, and to promote healing and offer hope — to not only those who contributed, but to all those who read it and are touched by others’ journeys,” according to the authors.

Originally compelled to find a way to encourage other women to connect with their fathers using letter writing, their concept has expanded to include any relationship, resulting in an entire “Letters to…” Series.

Why would you write a letter for healing? Judilyn Brown, a Letters to Fathers contributor, says “… my father and I had a wonderful healing conversation after I e-mailed him a copy of my letter [for the book]. Our relationship is more open and forgiving now.”

The healing can apply to any relationship, any time. No need to wait for a special day such as Mother’s or Father’s Day to write a letter for healing. Sharing these letters can be a gift that no one else can give.

For those who wish to experience the benefit of writing a letter for healing, free information is provided on the 5 Simple Steps and Year of Healing pages at lettersforhealing.com.

One friend of the authors, who is both a father and stepfather, commented, “I didn’t think this book would have something for me until I started reading it. It makes me want to be a better father!”

Available soon: “Putting Your Heart on Paper: A Guide to Writing Letters for Healing,” explores how to write letters for healing; “Letters to Fathers from Daughters, Vol. 2” and “Letters to Fathers from Sons.” Details at http://www.lettersforhealing.com.

Book summary:
“Letters to Fathers from Daughters: A Pathway to Healing and Hope”; Sharon Alworth and Bonnie Birnam; ISBN 978-1-932279-74-0; 324 pages, $16.95 trade paperback; Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing. Available from www.lettersforhealing.com and Amazon.com.

[tags]Letters for Healing LLC, Letters to Fathers from Daughters, Sharon Alworth, Bonnie Birnam, Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing[/tags]