CTM Publishing Inc.

NEWS: (ATLANTA, Ga.) CTM Publishing, Inc.’s display at the 2016 Alabama Book Festival will feature the new fiction trilogy “The Pray-ers” by author Mark S Mirza. The 11th annual Alabama Book Festival will be held at Old Alabama Town in downtown Montgomery on Saturday, April 23, 2016. The Festival is the state’s premier literary event and attracts thousands of people from around the State and the Southeast.


Author / Speaker Mark S Mirza states, “I want people to enjoy a novel and at the end of the book to realize that they have learned how to pray through the example of the three historical figures in this book: Epaphras from the first century Christian Church, Brother Alexander Rich from the period of the American Civil War, and Coach Dale Riley of the current era.”

Mark’s desire to write “The Pray-ers” was impacted by his favorite writers including all of Joel Rosenberg’s novels, Jerry Jenkins “Precinct 11” series, Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall’s “Joshua Jordan” series, Tim LaHaye’s “Babylon Rising” series, and C. S. Lewis and his famous “Narnia” series. Mark also enjoys the work of Frederick Forsyth and John Lescroat. He especially liked the way John Lescroat writes completely different books with the characters from his previous books.

When asked what he is seeing on prayer in the bookstores, Mark answers: “Lots of great ‘how to’ books and lots of great theory. I’m not looking to compete with any of the great writers out there. I wanted to write something very unique: learning prayer through the fun of a novel. What you are not seeing in the bookstores is a book like ‘The Pray-ers.'”

To learn more visit: http://www.thepray-ers.com/.

About Mark S Mirza:

Mark S Mirza is an author, speaker, and student of prayer. He led Dr. Charles Stanley’s Men’s Prayer Ministry at First Baptist Church Atlanta for four and a half years before entering full-time ministry. In 2010 Mark founded Common Thread Ministries to help churches that want to have a prayer ministry. Mark teaches throughout the United States as well as in Mexico, Honduras, and Kenya.

He is the author / publisher of four books of which one has been translated into three languages: “Prayer Made Alive” (English), “Oracion con Vida” (Spanish), and “Maombi Kufanywa Hai” (Swahili). Mark’s other books include “Praying the Prayer Cards,” the children’s book “Rainbow of Promises,” and the new fiction trilogy: “The Pray-ers.”

Mark and his wife Naida live in Atlanta and have a horse, Coracao, boarded in North Ga. where they spend much of their spare time.

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Twitter: @CTMPrayer.

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