ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

Kill the Bill: Congressional Lawmaking, Down and Dirty

eNewsChannels COLUMN: You have probably rolled your eyes while watching members of Congress argue about important legislation and then vote to kill it using...

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 32 – Career of Fear

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 32: Career of Fear. For a few years, I worked as a creative director or copywriter in ad agencies specializing in recruitment advertising, a truly funny period of my professional life, and by funny I mean disturbing and borderline illegal.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 31 – Cheating Death in Cars, 2

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 31: Cheating Death in Cars, 2. 'Dad, can I borrow your car?' That was the start of my second Brush With Death By Automobile. My own car was in the shop for routine maintenance, which should have been no problem except that I suddenly needed to see a client or attend a press conference or something that now seems completely insignificant. Someone would have to give me a ride or I needed to borrow someone's car.

Book Review: 'Drift' by Rachel Maddow

eNewsChannels COLUMN: Wisdom and wit make a devastating combination, which is why The Rachel Maddow Show is steadily charming its way into the hearts...

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 30 – Word Nerd

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 30 - Word Nerd. Even when working full-time, I always accepted freelance writing gigs because of my deep and abiding love of writing and my deep and abiding love of receiving multiple paychecks. I'd work nights, weekends, lunchtime, breaks, whatever.

Book Review: 'Among the Truthers' by Jonathan Kay

eNewsChannels COLUMN: Some of them believe in reptile overlords and all of them are seeking non-existent data about secret cabals in government. Members of...

January's U.S. 'Snowdance Phenomena' Model for June's RIO+20

eNewsChannels COLUMN: The UN's International Mother Earth Day, in solidarity with Earth Day, following January's Snowdance Phenomena that saved Western ski areas from the...

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 29 – What Do You Do?

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 29: What Do You Do? Sooner or later, everyone has a bad job. Usually sooner, because first jobs can be a bitch. My first employment, unless you count mowing lawns, was at a mall where I worked in a Pickwick Bookshop. That chain of book stores is now defunct but I am almost eighty percent positive it wasn't because of hiring me.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 28 – Dazed and Amused

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 28: Dazed and Amused. High as a kite, that's what I was. More expressively, I was as high as a helium-filled balloon that had just escaped the grasp of a perplexed five-year old kid who was now wondering why gravity wasn't bringing back his rapidly disappearing toy.

Book Review: 'The Last Testament' by God (with David Javerbaum)

eNewsChannels COLUMN: God has quite a sense of humor, once you get past all the smiting, tormenting, and killing. Whether setting things straight, settling...