Media Advisory: Jamestown Settlement Denies Free Speech Permit to Black / Indian Jamestown Opponents
JAMESTOWN, Va. -- Black Lawyers For Justice (BLFJ) announces news conference Mon. May 7th, 5pm. Rally organizers to file lawsuit in Federal court for 1st amendment demonstration rights to oppose Jamestown's 400th Anniversary.
Former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young Joins the Advisory Board of Penny PAC Which Addresses Americans' Top Concerns
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and civil rights leader, has joined the advisory board of Penny PAC. Penny PAC is a non-partisan political action committee that focuses on education, energy, economic development, health care and homeland security, issues that consistently rank among the top concerns for Americans on public opinion polls.
President Gerald R. Ford's Final Memoir is Released

American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor Seek Apology and Closure for POW Abuse
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor (ADBC) will be passing a resolution at an upcoming meeting at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Herndon, VA on April 13; it will address the grievances of misconduct by the Japanese military for their brutal treatment of POWs and to the many Japanese companies that placed POWs into slavery during World War II.
Celebrity Endorsed Website, Refunds for Good, Turns War Tax Into Peace Dividend

Veteran Venture Capital Manager Joins Forces with Microsoft Executive: Dr. Fred Haney Named to ElectionMall Board of Directors

Leading Nigerian IT Products Provider Integrates M2SYS Fingerprint Software into Third Party National Voting System

Leading Academic and Political Consultants See Value in Bringing E-Democracy Tools to More Campaigns for Election 2008

Top Ten Bushisms of 2006 and 'Where Wings Take Dream: An Inspirational Speech to the Nation'
DENVER, Colo. --, a humor website which collects funny English mistakes from around the world, announces the release of "The Top Ten Bushisms of 2006" as well as the release of a new seamless compilation of Bush misstatements, "Where Wings Take Dream: An Inspirational Speech to the Nation."
Black Group TV Ads Blast Cardin and Ford as Bad for Black Voters