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News: Printing and Publishing

Printing and Publishing News – including Print on Demand, Applications and Large Format

The Harman Press is Official Printer for 2015 Pollie Awards & Conference in New Orleans

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Marking its active role in the political printing arena, The Harman Press will be the Official Printer for the 2015 Pollie Awards and Conference in New Orleans, March 17-19, 2015, organized by the American Association of Political Consultants. This will be the second year that The Harman Press has provided the AAPC with printing for its programming material and signage for its annual conference and awards events.

On-line Publication of 2012 Digest of United States Practice in International Law announced

WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ -- The U.S. Department of State today announced the release of the "2012 Digest of United States Practice in International Law,"...

Publication for Equipment Lessees Launched by The Lessee Advocate LLC

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Lessee Advocate, LLC, announced today that it has launched the first publication dedicated to helping corporate equipment lessees improve their...

DynaStudy, Inc. Wins 2010 Teachers Choice Award in Educational Publishing

LEAGUE CITY, Texas -- Learning magazine has selected the DynaNotes(TM) SmartClings(TM) - Graphs instructional kit as a winner of the Learning(R) Magazine 2010 Teachers'...

Ballantine Corporation, a Direct Marketing Firm, Announces New Clients

WAYNE, N.J. -- The Ballantine Corporation, a family-owned direct marketing company, this week announced that Incisive Media, Trinity Solar, Subco and EF Education have...

Limited Government in Hand: Write and Remember Releases Note Cards that Express Founding Fathers' Beliefs

BEDFORD, Va. -- Write and Remember (W & R), an innovative company dedicated to educating Americans about historical truths long removed from the public...

CustomXM Becomes First in State to Offer Dimensional Printing with Marketing Services

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- CustomXM, a central Arkansas marketing services provider, recently added the Kodak Dimensional Printing capability to its Nexpress 3000 Digital Production...

Bookhouse Group Selected for BDO Seidman Commemorative History

ATLANTA, Ga. -- Corporate and organizational custom publishing expert Bookhouse Group (www.bookhouse.net) has the privilege of being selected as publisher for the one-hundred-year commemorative...

Color and drama of Texas community theater's first 50 years portrayed in Bookhouse Group custom history project

ATLANTA, Ga. -- Bookhouse Group (bookhouse.net) delivered a custom-published history book project to the Dallas Theater Center (dallastheatercenter.org) for a May debut event celebrating...

Hachette Book Group Adopts North Plains TeleScope Publishing Platform

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- North Plains Systems, Inc., the leading provider of digital asset management (DAM) and publishing solutions, today announced that Hachette Book...