PHOENIX, Ariz. — PropertyNut LLC announced today that, after two years of development, launched in the Arizona market in February as “the Internet Real Estate Marketplace.” The design of is intuitive, un-intimidating and has generated an amazing return visitor rate (RVR) of over 50%. Translation; of the total unique visits to the website each day over half of all visitors are returning visitors. This is converting into huge ad interest, calls on ads and now pending sales for their advertisers’ properties in this short period.

Testimonials are validating that calls are being generated from the PropertyNut ads and the ease of use is unparalleled. Early customer and reviewer comments indicate that PropertyNut could very well be to the Real Estate Classified Advertising industry what is to the employment industry. PropertyNut is the “portal” for property searchers to the professional agents’ properties of today.

No other site has this formula. PropertyNut drives buyers and renters to the sellers and landlords to find the properties that fit their needs and desires.

“ is the perfect complement to the current real estate professional’s marketing strategies,” said Craig Cocciola, Founder and HeadNut at He continued, “We will continue to heavily market all ads on PropertyNut in Arizona and across the United States building both ad base and quality ad visitors. With Arizona now well on the road to success PropertyNut is excited to invite advertisers from all other states to ‘think inside the nut!’ Here is a value proposition that can only be described as ‘why wouldn’t I do this?'”

PropertyNut has a “Boomer” look and appeal; big fonts, big buttons and step by step features make it easy for creating and posting ads or for finding a property. Employing this design boasts well for novice and advanced web users alike.

PropertyNut is “in addition to, not in place of” the marketing efforts that agents and sellers are currently employing. PropertyNut has a local feel yet with true web wide reach and depth. Ads are managed online by the advertisers and any changes to the property ads can be made as often as the advertisers wish and take effect immediately. You won’t find “pop-ups” or other types of distracting advertising clutter here.

The site is designed with a bias on utility and simplicity. The cross advertising and trans-media marketing is supported by a huge budget to put PropertyNut in front of more buyers and sellers driving quality visitors to the site. You’d have to be “Nuts” not to place your properties on, says Cocciola. And it’s FREE.

[tags]Arizona real estate, PropertyNut LLC[/tags]