SANDPOINT, Idaho — A writing and creativity software program called IdeaWeaver from Logical Expressions, Inc. has made it possible for a self-publisher to release three books in a year. Before using IdeaWeaver, the text for these books had been languishing in word processing files for months.

Author Susan Daffron now has all three books available for sale. Web Business Success: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Web Sites That Work (ISBN: 978-0-9749245-0-2; LCCN-2006909228) was published in October 2006, Happy Hound: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Dog or Puppy (ISBN: 978-0-9749245-2-6; LCCN-2006909898) appeared in November 2006, and “Happy Tabby: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Cat or Kitten” (ISBN: 978-0-9749245-3-3; LCCN-2007906436) was released in October 2007.

“Before I used IdeaWeaver, I didn’t want to look at the files for my books because the mess I had made of the project was just too depressing to me,” Daffron said. “Books are really long and I’d get all bogged down and confused with the organization, get completely disgusted with the project, and avoid working on it.”

By putting the text of each book into IdeaWeaver, Daffron was able to rework the manuscript and finally release the books. IdeaWeaver features an intuitive interface that lets writers see their entire document on one screen. Writers can put in their ideas as they occur and then organize them later into an outline. Because all of the information is on one screen, it is easy to determine where transitions are required and more text is needed.

IdeaWeaver takes the old “index card” approach to writing and converts it to digital form. As with index cards, each idea or concept is a discrete unit so writers can reshuffle and reorganize their thoughts at will. When they are done, writers can export the ideas in their outline for use in a word processor.

“IdeaWeaver” is free to try for 30 days. A license costs $49.95. The free trial download of the software is available at: The site features a free “getting started” video, case studies, and a free e-course called “Get Unstuck! 15 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity, Get Organized, and Finish Your Writing Project.”

For more information about other products, visit:

[tags]writing and creativity software, IdeaWeaver program, Logical Expressions Inc[/tags]