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NEWS: Texas A&M University-Commerce has expanded the use of Regent Education’s financial aid management solution, Regent 8, to support the administration of financial aid for its entire population. In addition, it has added Regent’s SNAP product to its solution set to automate the financial aid application process for students who are not eligible for federal financial aid but are eligible for state-funded programs.

Texas A&M University-Commerce initially selected Regent 8 to automate the administration of financial aid for its competency-based programs. After a very successful pilot of Regent 8, the institution has launched the product campus-wide, selecting Regent’s SNAP solution to automate the TASFA process. Previously, students applying for aid through TASFA were required to complete paper forms, resulting in a manual process for both the student and the institution.

“We have been very pleased with both our partnership and the performance of the Regent 8 solution,” said Mary Hendrix, Vice President of Student Access and Success at Texas A&M University-Commerce. “We are very excited to automate the TASFA application process and are committed to ensuring that our processes meet the needs of all of our students while also driving efficiency to a new level. Leveraging the Regent solutions is helping us position Texas A&M University-Commerce as a leader in efficiency, compliance and service.”

With more than 13,000 students, Texas A&M University-Commerce is the second largest school in the Texas A&M University System and is leading the state in competency-based education. Its Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) degree in organizational leadership prepares leaders for employment in an increasingly technological and global society. This program provides opportunities for students to receive credit for what they know and can do, allowing them to accelerate completion of their degrees. Additionally, because it is fully online, students are able to plan their study schedules around the rest of their day in order to complete the coursework.

“Our partnership with Texas A&M University-Commerce is very important to us, as they have established themselves as a thought leader in CBE and in serving the varied needs of learners in this country,” said Randy Jones, CEO of Regent. “We are pleased that our solutions continue to drive innovation in delivery models while also helping institutions meet the increased need to control costs and maintain compliance.”

About Regent:

Founded in 2006, Regent Education is a leading provider of software solutions that have revolutionized financial aid management and enrollment processes for schools using non-traditional enrollment models. Today, Regent 8, the eighth version of Regent’s financial aid management system, is the only solution that provides end-to-end automation for non-term, nonstandard term, and standard academic years. Regent SNAP enables schools to provide estimated awards to prospective students in 15 minutes or less-a process that normally takes days or weeks. Regent Review is the industry’s only fully-automated verification solution.

Regent is a nationally-recognized leader in results-driven enrollment optimization and financial aid management solutions-solutions that are web-based, easy-to-use, and interoperate with any existing student information system. Regent offers cloud-based solutions that help institutions increase enrollment, improve retention, speed student processing, mitigate compliance risks and deliver bottom-line results.

Regent Education continues to expand its list of leading CBE schools while resolving the issues schools face when trying to administer Title IV aid for CBE. Regent 8 is the only solution on the market today that fully supports both traditional and non-traditional enrollment models. The challenges institutions face related to the administration of Title IV financial aid when offering competency-based programs are the result of financial aid management systems that are designed around the concept of structured periods of enrollment. The design of Regent 8 is fundamentally different, providing institutions flexibility to offer programs that are truly self-paced, while matching the financial aid model to the academic model. To learn more about Regent Education’s work with CBE schools, visit http://www.regenteducation.com/.

Regent Education offers monthly webinars on all of its products, as well as webinars that review CBE. Learn more: http://www.regenteducation.com/about-us/webinars/.

About Texas A&M University-Commerce:

Since 1889, Texas A&M University-Commerce has focused on providing students comprehensive access to higher education and assisting them to achieve success. With its main campus located in Commerce, Texas, the university holds six off-site locations across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, as well as rigorous online programs for undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The university currently offers 144 programs in 26 academic departments and has a diverse student body of approximately 8,000 undergraduate and 5,000 graduate students. Most recently, the university was given the honor of being named an “emerging” Hispanic-Serving Institution. To learn more about Texas A&M University-Commerce’s programs, visit http://www.tamuc.edu/.

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