Kate Hudson’s Nephew, Wilder, is on the Front Cover of ‘The Baby Schedule Ruler’ – a New Book by Author and Baby Whisper Dee Rule

NEW YORK, N.Y. — In her new book, Dee Rule gives advice on baby scheduling, parenting, and breastfeeding. She wrote “The Baby Schedule Ruler” (ISBN: 9780980126105), in the nursery, in the dark on her Palm Pilot. She is now announcing the availability of her new book at www.babyscheduleruler.com.

Breastfeeding can be a challenge for most new mothers. But for mothers who have a very hard time at it, it can leave them feeling depressed; sometimes due to the low amounts of breast milk they are producing to satisfy their baby’s appetite; as well as supplementing some feedings; or because they just do not want to bring the baby to the breast.

The Baby Schedule Ruler Also, you have some moms who are being forced into breast feeding and just want their little one to just gain weight by formula feedings or by pumping and giving.

“Pump and Give is an action done by some mothers who prefer to give their baby breast milk by bottle feeding with pumped breast milk. Some of these moms are in the closet on this matter. I hope they could only come out and feel free,” says Rule.

“Can some breastfeeding groups warm up to these mothers? Breast-feeding is so beneficial for babies and toddlers no matter how it’s delivered. These groups have put moms in a squeeze to breast feed by bring the baby to the breast only. What happen to making mothers happy: happy mommy happy baby? Has it all just become a business of luring or forcing moms to breastfeed the way society say they should.”

She adds, “Comfort should come first then a happier, confident, and loving family will follow. Only if some groups and stores who sell to moms, stop forcing there hidden agendas on mothers by feeding their coffers.”

More information on the author and the book: .

No celebrity endorsement claimed or implied.

[tags]advice on baby scheduling, parenting and breastfeeding, The Baby Schedule Ruler book, Dee Rule Publishers[/tags]