LOS ANGELES, Calif. — Wildfire, Inc., which specializes in UV effects, including fixtures and expendable materials, has just launched a unique newsletter devoted entirely to UV effects called “The Monthly Blaze.”

“We get asked all the time about how to create certain effects with the luminescent paint, how to get a really bright effect, or which kind of fixture to use for a particular application,” said John Berardi, VP of Wildfire. “So we decided it was time to create an interactive resource for those interested in learning more.”

Wildfire’s new newsletter encourages questions and feedback from its readers, and features a monthly UV Artist of the Month Contest, available only to recipients.

Here’s what The Monthly Blaze has in store for subscribers:

    * A resource for having UV-related questions answered by top professionals.
    * Painting tips from Wildfire’s creative director and Hollywood UV legend, Kent Mathieu.
    * A profile of the “Wildfire Effect” in action, so readers can get ideas and inspiration from professional UV scenic creations.
    * Announcements of new products and product improvements by Wildfire, so you can stay up to date on what’s happening in the world of UV effects.
    * A chance for black light artists to win the UV Artist of the Month Contest and be featured in the newsletter.
    * Special offers and announcements specifically for readers.
    * And more….

To sign up to receive The Monthly Blaze, go to www.WildfireNewsletter.com. There is no charge to sign up. More information on the UV Artist of the Month Contest can be found at www.UVArtistContest.com.

John Berardi is one of the leading authorities on UV effects and has been with Wildfire for over 12 years. Wildfire has been supplying talent and materials to the entertainment industry since 1989.

More information can be found at http://www.WildfireFX.com

[tags]Wildfire Inc, UV effects, black light fixtures and materials, The Monthly Blaze, John Berardi[/tags]