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Tag: Encore Green Environmental

Darlene Nash as she turns water on from the Nomad Excel

Encore Green Environmental LLC Roll Outs Beneficial Use of Produced Water with Agricultural Partners in Texas

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Encore Green Environmental LLC (EGE), announce their immediate plans to treat produced water for beneficial use with Texas agriculture partners, with NOMAD EXCEL water technology developed specifically to assist in drought conditions. EGE is proud to announce today that their years of dedication to this goal has not been in vain.

Climate Wellness through Soil Health effort launched with Encore Green Environmental and Wyoming’s Carbon Asset Network

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Mayor Patrick Collins, members of the Cheyenne City Council, Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Encore Green Environmental and Wyoming's Carbon Asset Network (CAN) have jointly announced a celebration of commitment to work on "Climate Wellness through Soil Health" Friday, April 22, 2022 at the Cheyenne Botanical Gardens, 3 p.m.

Encore Green Environmental and G-Force Tackle Proven Water Treatment Nomad Units Being Transformed to NOMAD Excel

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Encore Green Environmental names Texas based G-Force to re-furbish the legacy Nomad water treatment technology units to become the improved NOMAD Excel™. Encore Green is an agriculture company dedicated to applying by-product water to beneficial use for agriculture and carbon sequestration.

Encore Green Environmental names their first water treatment unit based on the NOMAD technology in honor of Henry ‘Possum’ Elenburg

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Encore Green Environmental names their first water treatment unit based on the NOMAD technology in honor of Henry "Possum" Elenburg for his pioneering work in treatment of industrial water. In the early 2000's Elenburg conceived that energy industry by-product water could be treated and put to uses instead of simply disposing of it into the ground or though evaporation.

Encore Green Environmental Announces Water Desalination Technology Purchase

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Encore Green Environmental Technologies & Licensing (EGETL) announces the purchase of water treatment technology equipment formerly known as NOMAD from XRI/Fountain Quail.

Encore Green Environmental announces Wyoming Landowner Receives Right of First Refusal for Water and Gas for ESG Goals

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Encore Green Environmental announces a step forward in landowner relationships with the energy industry. The O.J. Enterprise ranch operation outside Cheyenne, Wyoming has secured a unique surface-use agreement with a Dallas-based midstream company, allowing the ranch to receive the right of first refusal for the produced/by-product water and any potential flare gas.