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Tag: heart health

Heart Health for Valentines: Princess Jessica is helping to promote healthy hearts around the world

LAS VEGAS, Nev. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Princess Jessica Carol White has decided to promote healthy hearts and to share the importance. On January 9, 2014, Princess Jessica Carol White decided to inform a non-profit organization of the importance of taking care of the heart. Every day it is important to select the best food and to take better care of ourselves.

Infrared Sauna Industry Leader Raises Awareness of Fitness, Beauty and Wellness Benefits at Academy Awards Celebrity Event

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- The Health Mate Infrared Sauna will make its Hollywood 'debut' at a private Academy Awards Celebrity Gift Suite event, it was announced by Sang Lee, Vice President of Sales for Health Mate Saunas, a division of PLH Products Inc.