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Crowd Sourcing Effort Hopes to Make Ferry Travel Safer in the Philippines

ATANGAS, Philippines /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: A new effort to reduce death and property loss from ferry disasters in the Philippines based on crowd-sourced efforts of ship passengers with Smart phones is already producing results, proponents say. According to Lydia Ramos and John Toomey of Batangas Varsitarian, alert passengers using both their sharp eyes and ears and cell phone apps.

World Mind Network reports Crowd-sourced Research Project Seeks to Solve Batangas Fish Kill Mystery

LIPA CITY, Philippines /eNewsChannels/ -- A multi-national coalition of researchers has been formed to study and treat a massive fish kill of over 800 metric tonnes which started on May 27 in Taal Lake, in the Philippine province of Batangas. Sponsored by the World Mind Network, it will involve on-site as well as online cooperation between biology students in the U.S. and the Philippines.

World Mind Network: Students Learn More by Addressing World Problems Online Than by Sitting in Classrooms

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- As the Gulf oil spill inched closer to land last week, hundreds of fishermen, tourists, and local officials sent text messages, tweets, and cell phone videos to share their experience with the world. Many of these were monitored by tracking sites, which in turn were watched by high school students on their home computers and smart phones; many of whom were part of the World Mind Network.