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Tag: loan origination platform

LenderLogix Announces Mortgage POS Integration with Informative Research’s AccountChek to Enhance the Borrower Experience

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- LenderLogix, a leading provider of mortgage point-of-sale and automation software for banks, credit unions, independent mortgage banks and brokers, announced the integration of AccountChek by Informative Research into its point-of-sale system LiteSpeed. This integration blends AccountChek's pioneering verification technology into LiteSpeed to seamlessly enhance the borrower experience and optimize the loan origination process to ensure a smooth experience for borrowers and users alike.

Realfinity Launches Dual-License Program for Real Estate Agents, Enabling the Integration of Mortgage Services as a Value Enhancing Strategy

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Real-Finity, Inc. ("Realfinity") is excited to announce the availability of its Dual-License Program enabling the integration of mortgage services for real estate agents. In the dynamic and increasingly challenging environment of real estate, agents are now able to take advantage of this innovative solution to combat pressure on their commissions and enhance their value proposition by offering mortgage services.

Dark Matter Technologies LLC launches to revolutionize mortgage origination with cutting-edge fintech

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dark Matter Technologies LLC, formerly Black Knight Origination Technologies LLC, was rebranded after it was acquired into the Perseus Operating Group (Perseus) of Constellation Software Inc. (Constellation). According to Rich Gagliano, Dark Matter Technologies' chief executive officer, the organization is on a mission to revolutionize the mortgage origination business by supporting, growing and aggressively innovating new and existing products including the popular AIVA® artificial intelligence solution and the comprehensive Empower® Loan Origination Platform.

FormFree integrates AccountChek 3n1 into ICE Mortgage Encompass for one-stop VOA/VOIE

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- FormFree® has partnered with ICE Mortgage Technology™, part of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE), a leading global provider of data, technology and market infrastructure,  to make its AccountChek 3n1 asset, income and employment verification service available in Encompass®, the mortgage industry's leading cloud-based loan origination platform.

LBA Ware LimeGear B.I. Platform Brings Performance Dashboards and Scorecards to Users of Fiserv Mortgage Director LOS

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- LBA Ware, a leading provider of incentive compensation management (ICM) and business intelligence (BI) software solutions for the mortgage industry, has partnered with Fiserv Inc. (NASDAQ: FISV) to provide out-of-the-box business dashboards and reports to users of the Mortgage Director loan origination system (LOS).

FormFree hires brand strategist and marketing expert Patricia Ramirez Pinckney as senior director of marketing

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- FormFree has hired brand strategist and marketing expert Patricia "Patty" Ramirez Pinckney as senior director of marketing. In this role, Pinckney will drive planning and implementation of FormFree's marketing campaigns, govern its strategic positioning within the mortgage industry and manage the firm's brand.

Del Mar DataTrac Marks 20th Anniversary As Mortgage Lending Automation Solutions Provider

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Del Mar DataTrac (DMD), the leading provider of affordable mortgage lending automation solutions, and an industry pioneer in business intelligence, paperless lending, and loan process workflow tools, is observing its 20th anniversary in 2011.