Tags Mental health

Tag: mental health

TherapyTopia Launches COVID-19 Thrive Campaign Supporting Laid Off Americans

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- TherapyTopia is a social enterprise that offers "Workplace Mental Wellness Solutions." To address the needs of so many out-of-work Americans, the organization pivoted its business model to partner with companies and individuals to help provide free virtual mental health and career coaching services.

IDCC Answers the Call for Mental Health Care During The Pandemic with New Teletherapy Services

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Interborough Developmental and Consultation Center, or IDCC, is once again responding to the needs of our Brooklyn communities. In these challenging times, the need for mental health services has increased dramatically over the past several weeks due to many feeling anxious and concerned about the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Atlanta Psychiatric Practice, UBHS, Inc., Provides Insurance-Covered Telehealth Services

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many mental health practices are being forced to close their doors to patients. These closures are causing even more anxiety and stress. United Behavioral Health Solutions (UBHS, Inc.) is happy to report that it continues to see patients via its telehealth services during a time when they likely need it most.

With HuggyBox, 9th Grade Student Delivers Hugs for Families and Loved Ones During Pandemic

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- HuggyBox has helped thousands of friends and families stay connected since its inception in 2017. The product was invented by now fourteen-year-old Elena Barrett who runs the company. HuggyBox allows you to send a perforated tear off heart symbolizing a hug along with a heartfelt message to the intended recipient.

Book, ‘Bipolar is NOT an STD’ named to Best New Bipolar Disorder Books and Best Bipolar Disorder Books of All Time

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Lauren Goodall, PsyD, author of "Bipolar is not an STD" (ISBN: 978-1089401507) takes notice of her two "Best Book" achievements for her outstanding self-help book. BookAuthority, ranked her book at #11 in Best Bipolar Disorder books of all time, and #6 in 2020's best Bipolar books.

Dr. Daniel Helman: Treating Schizophrenia with Individualized Care

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Schizophrenia may find a cure in individualized treatment. So says a new article in the science journal Holistic Nursing Practice. According to Dr. Daniel Helman, a researcher on the small island of Yap in Micronesia, long-term recovery is often possible, but appropriate studies are not being done.

Take Social Risk, Judgment, and Fear Out of The Equation – Bipolar is not an STD

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Lauren Goodall, Psychologist, author of "Bipolar is not an STD" (ISBN: 978-089401507), is pleased by the strong interest, relatability, and response that have been triggered by her book. Goodall attributes sales of the self-help book to her ability to deliver and connect with her audience.

Darien Wellness Hosts a Conversation on Important Topic: Five Steps to Get Your Adult Child ‘Unstuck’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Darien Wellness, Fairfield County's premier mental health group, is excited to kick off its second annual Lunch & Learn series with an important topic for Connecticut families. Across the nation, young adults (age 18 and up) are suffering from the inability to successfully launch themselves into adulthood. Darien Wellness, in collaboration with Greenwich's Institute for Restoring Cognitive Health, will be holding a discussion addressing this crisis.