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Tag: Mid America Mortgage

Mid America Mortgage and Spectrum Mortgage Holdings Partner to Purchase eNotes

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) announced today that Spectrum Mortgage Holdings has signed on as an eWarehouse line provider for Mid America's eCorrespondent division. Through this partnership, Spectrum will offer lower net worth requirements. on warehouse lines and purchase eNotes from qualified emerging mortgage bankers approved as Mid America eCorrespondent sellers.

Mid America Mortgage Inc. Purchases eNote from First eClosing Transaction in North Carolina

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) announced today it has purchased the eNote from North Carolina's first eMortgage transaction. The transaction, which was completed entirely electronically on May 5, was a refinance for a property in Winston-Salem and was executed by Hickory-based North State Bank. Upon completion of the closing, Mid America was able to purchase the resulting eNote within one business day after receiving the final loan package.
Mid America Mortgage

Mid America Mortgage Inc. Purchases $2.7B in Mortgage Servicing Rights

eNewsChannels NEWS: (ADDISON, Texas) -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) announced today it has acquired the mortgage servicing rights (MSRs) for $2.7 billion in government loans. The portfolio includes a number of delinquent VA- and FHA-insured loans. The sale was completed at the end of March, and LoanCare, Mid America’s sub-servicer, will take possession of the purchased MSRs on May 2.
Jeff Bode

CEO Jeff Bode Named 2016 Mortgage Industry ‘Vanguard’ by HousingWire Magazine

eNewsChannels NEWS: (ADDISON, Texas) -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. announced today that its Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode has been recognized by HousingWire magazine in its second annual HW Vanguard Awards program.
Jeff Bode

Mid America Mortgage Announces Plan to Purchase eNotes through Its Correspondent Channel

NEWS (ADDISON, Texas) -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode today announced it will purchase eNotes for loans closed electronically from approved sellers through its correspondent lending channel.
Jeff Bode

Mid America Mortgage Adds Delinquent FHA-Insured Loans to Whole Loan Purchase Program

NEWS (ADDISON, Texas) -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode today announced the firm will begin purchasing delinquent FHA loans as part of its whole loan purchase program. To be eligible for purchase, loans must have an active mortgage insurance certificate, and the original terms of the note must remain unmodified.
Jeff Bode

Mid America Mortgage Executes Its First eClosing, eNote

ADDISON, Texas -- Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode today announced the firm has completed its first eClosing and eNote through its retail origination channel. Mid America intends to expand eClosing to all of its retail business, executing eNotes and utilizing electronic documents where allowed by local jurisdiction.

Michael J. Lima to Oversee Mid America Mortgage’s Whole Loan Trading Division

NEWS: (ADDISON, Texas) Mid America Mortgage, Inc. Owner and CEO Jeff Bode announced the firm has retained mortgage banking and capital markets executive Michael Lima as managing director of its Whole Loan Trading division. With nearly 30 years of mortgage expertise, Lima will direct Mid America's whole loan acquisition business, including its recent entry into the market for loans with TRID compliance issues.

Mid America Remains Largely Unchallenged in Bid for Defective TRID Mortgage Loans in 2016

NEWS: (ADDISON, Texas) Mid America Mortgage, Inc. remains one of few bidders on so-called TRID 'defect' loans, said Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode. According to Bode, Mid America wins roughly 80 percent of its bids on the loans, which have been rejected for purchase by other investors due to TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) infractions ranging from minor errors to more significant defects.

Mid America Mortgage Adds 4 Account Execs for Feb. 2016 to Serve CA, NH, TN, Midwest

NEWS: (ADDISON, Texas) Mid America Mortgage, Inc. (Mid America) Owner and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bode announced the firm has hired four new account executives in its wholesale and correspondent lending division.