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Tag: mother earth

Native Elders ‘15 Mandates for RIO+20’ June 20-22 – Key to Regenerating Earth's Natural Capital

eNewsChannels COLUMN: What happens at UN’s RIO+2O Earth Summit on June 20-22 could have a major impact on the longevity of snowsports, glaciers, islands...

January's U.S. 'Snowdance Phenomena' Model for June's RIO+20

eNewsChannels COLUMN: The UN's International Mother Earth Day, in solidarity with Earth Day, following January's Snowdance Phenomena that saved Western ski areas from the...

Please Help U.S. Ski Areas by Including Mother Earth on Valentine's Day

eNewsChannels COLUMN: The buzz at the SnowSports Industries Show ending January 31 in Denver was about the Native American snowdance phenomena that restored snow...

Hail to First Lady Betty Ford, Earth Hero! (Along with the Tribes of the Americas, Carl Jung, and AA)

eNewsChannels COLUMN: I didn’t realize until our dear First Lady Betty Ford passed on this month, what an incomparable gift she has given Mother Earth and all Her children. Through Betty’s powerful example of taking her addiction to alcohol and (prescription) drugs out of the closet, educating the public, which diminished the stigma, and founding the Betty Ford Clinic, her gift goes way beyond helping transform the tortured lives of generations of Americans and World Citizens into fulfilling ones.