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Tag: Movies and Filmmaking

Wildomar Movie Ranch Brings A Major Film Production to The Inland Empire in California

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- SAG Production comes to Wildomar! Surprisingly, in the midst of a pandemic when most businesses are operating in limited capacities or closed altogether, Wildomar Movie Ranch continues to develop partnerships with film producers to bring projects to the Inland Empire., Sussman-Hoyt PROductions announced.

Good Heart Catering Helps Returning L.A. Film Production Teams Stay Fed, Even with Social Distancing

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Good Heart Catering in Los Angeles is excited to welcome back those slowly returning to offices and film productions in Los Angeles.

PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival will hold its first all-virtual film festival Sept. 2020

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- In light of the unprecedented events of 2020, PRINDIE: Princeton Independent Film Festival will hold its first all-virtual film festival, open this year to all film-lovers in United States. Running from Thursday, Sept. 10 through Sunday, the 13th, the festival features 37 short films. This year's film lineup focuses on issues surrounding immigration, mental health, youth, and cultural diversity / Black Lives Matter.

Compassion Prison Project and ‘Step Inside the Circle’ PSA Film Promote Places of Healing

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- On February 12, 2020, 235 incarcerated men gathered in the yard of a maximum-security prison in California. They formed a circle, and in the center of that circle stood Grammy Award winning film producer Fritzi Horstman. She read aloud ten questions from the ACE test, a survey of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Timely Horror Zombie Film Predates Reality: Mysterious Pandemic breaks out in psych thriller ‘Face Of Evil’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Awarded psychological thriller/horror film "Face Of Evil" (F.O.E.), produced by V-Movie Productions, turns out prophetic and realistic once again. Topical for the latest mass shootings afflicting our country, the movie is hot again for the recent pandemic outbreak of Corona Virus afflicting the world. A killer soundtrack wraps up the picture.

‘REGULUS’ Children’s Movie Now Streaming on Amazon Prime During Pandemic

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Aaron Ozee, celebrity author of the bestselling children's book, "Regulus" (ISBN: 978-1387010790), has officially launched the Regulus movie on Amazon Prime entertaining families on COVID-19 "lockdown."

Animated family film, ‘Regulus’ based on Aaron Ozee children’s book, opens early for families on COVID-19 lockdown

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Aaron Ozee, celebrity author of the bestselling children's book, "Regulus" (ISBN: 978-1387010790), has chosen to debut the Regulus movie, ahead of the July 25, 2020 release date, for a limited duration to entertain those who have been subjected to lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2nd Annual ‘Hear Her Call’ Caribbean-American Women’s Theater Festival Comes to NY

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Conch Shell Productions - in collaboration with Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center at York College - will present the second annual HEAR HER CALL CARIBBEAN-AMERICAN WOMEN'S THEATER FESTIVAL 2020 Thursday March 5 - Saturday March 7, 2020.

Women and The Vote NYS 2020: Multi-Pronged Project Celebrates Centennial of 19th Amendment

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Women and the Vote NYS announces that a new initiative, timed to coincide with the 19th Amendment Centennial, is being launched to develop a mobile-friendly online database with interactive map of gravesites across New York State of the suffragists who worked tirelessly to bring about women's right to vote.

Author Aaron Ozee Prepares REGULUS Movie Global 2020 Release After Wrapping Production

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Aaron Ozee, the author of the bestselling children's book, "Regulus" (ISBN: 978-1387010790), has announced the development of the Regulus movie has wrapped two months ahead of schedule. Bizarros Studio, the animation group responsible for having purchased the "Regulus" film rights, coordinated production on the Regulus movie from their official headquarters located in the city of Bogota, Columbia