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Tag: NEXT 50 Over 50

SimpleNexus’ Pam Faulkner and Cathleen Schreiner Gates Land Spots on NEXT Mortgage Events’ 2020 50 Over 50 Awards

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- SimpleNexus, developer of the leading digital mortgage platform for loan officers, borrowers and real estate agents, today announced that Director of Mortgage Solutions Pam Faulkner and Board Member Cathleen Schreiner Gates have been honored by NEXT Mortgage Events' (NEXT) 50 Over 50 awards program.

ReverseVision VP of Sales and Marketing Wendy Peel named a 2020 NEXT 50 Over 50 award recipient

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- ReverseVision, the leading provider of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and private reverse mortgage sales and origination technology, today announced that Vice President of Sales and Marketing Wendy Peel has been named a NEXT Mortgage Events (NEXT) 50 Over 50 honoree.

DepthPR Founder Kerri Milam Named Among Influential Women in Mortgage Industry

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Depth Public Relations (DepthPR), a leading provider of consultative marketing, public relations and reputation management services for the mortgage lending and residential finance industries, today announced company Founder and President Kerri S. Milam is a recipient of the Powerhouse Award recognizing influential female leaders in the mortgage sphere.

LBA Ware CEO Lori Brewer Named a 2020 NEXT Mortgage Events 50 Over 50 Honoree

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- LBA Ware, a leading provider of incentive compensation management (ICM) and business intelligence software solutions for the mortgage industry, today announced company Founder and CEO Lori Brewer has been named an honoree of NEXT Mortgage Events' (NEXT) 50 Over 50 awards program. In its inaugural year, NEXT 50 Over 50 honors influential female leaders in the mortgage sphere.

Christy Moss, CMB, of FormFree Honored by NEXT Mortgage Events’ Inaugural 50 Over 50 Awards Program

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- FormFree Director of Partner Relationships Christy Moss, CMB, has been recognized by Next Mortgage Events (NEXT) as a 50 Over 50 honoree. In its inaugural year, the awards program honors female powerhouses in the mortgage industry.