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Energy Optimizers USA welcomes Kurt Emans as senior project manager in Ohio

NEWS: Kurt Emans has joined Energy Optimizers, USA in Ohio, as a senior project manager, effective Sept. 1, 2015. In this role, he will take the lead in implementing projects in the field, including developing full-scale project plans; defining project scope, goals and deliverables; and ensuring projects meet overall client expectations.

SunBug Solar welcomes Nick d’Arbeloff as VP Commercial Business

ARLINGTON, Mass. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: SunBug Solar, an established solar energy installation company based in Arlington and Somerville, Mass., today announced that Nick d'Arbeloff has joined the SunBug team as VP of Commercial Business.

Solar Panel Manufacturer Lightway Solar America announces the execution of 62.8 Megawatts of contracts through subsidiary LWSA PD

ISELIN, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Lightway Solar America, Inc. (LSA), the U.S. subsidiary of Lightway Green New Energy Co., Ltd. (LGNE), has announced the execution of 62.8 Megawatts of contracts through their project development subsidiary, Lightway Solar America Project Development, LLC (LWSA PD).

Lightway Solar America to extend solar panel agreement with PV developer G&S Solar

ISELIN, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Lightway Solar America, Inc. (Lightway), the U.S. subsidiary of Lightway Green New Energy Co., Ltd., announced the execution of a Supply Agreement with G&S Solar (G&S) to provide thirty-four megawatts (34 MW) of multicrystalline solar modules. The Agreement requires G&S to purchase over 122,000 panels from Lightway within a one year period.

China Sunergy joins growing number of solar energy providers globally to adopt PowerGuard's unique PowerClip extended warranty solution

IRVINE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- PowerGuard Specialty Insurance Services announced today that China Sunergy Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ:CSUN), a specialized solar cell and module manufacturer, has joined the growing number of solar energy providers globally to adopt PowerGuard's unique PowerClip(TM) extended warranty protection.

PowerGuard Specialty Insurance Services announces that leading solar manufacturer, Talesun selects PowerClip solution

IRVINE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- PowerGuard Specialty Insurance Services announces that leading solar manufacturer, Talesun, has joined the growing number of global solar panel manufacturers to choose PowerGuard's unique PowerClip extended warranty protection.

Chinese solar manufacturer, LONG ENERGY joins growing number of China-based solar panel manufacturers to adopt PowerGuard PowerClip warranty

IRVINE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- PowerGuard Specialty Insurance Services announces that leading Chinese solar manufacturer, LONG ENERGY (Shenglong, Suzhou Shenglong PV-Tech Co., Ltd.), a client of Marsh Los Angeles, has joined the growing number of China-based solar panel manufacturers to adopt PowerGuard's unique PowerClip extended warranty protection.

Calif. Governor Brown Joins SunEdison to Announce Company’s Relocation to California

BELMONT, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today visited the new headquarters of SunEdison in Belmont to mark the company’s decision to establish their world headquarters in California. The company, currently headquartered in Maryland, decided to make the move following actions by Governor Brown and the Legislature to create a friendlier business environment in California.

Calif. Gov. Brown Acts to Help Californians Save Money and Clean the Air with Solar Power

FOWLER, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Last Thursday (Sept. 22), on a day when the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District issued its third dirty air alert in a week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. visited Marshall Elementary School in Fowler and signed three bills that bolster the state’s commitment to clean energy.

PowerGuard's Managing Principal Mike McMullen named by Risk & Insurance magazine as a 2011 Risk Innovator

IRVINE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- PowerGuard Specialty Insurance Services - a Managing General Agent specializing in unique insurance and risk management solutions for the wind and solar energy industries - today announced that Managing Principal Mike McMullen was named by Risk & Insurance magazine as a 2011 Risk Innovator.