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Tag: suction dredge gold miners

Former Calif. Attorney General Jerry Brown: California Gold Mining Program Solvent – Legislature on Eve of Killing Industry over $1.8M Math...

CONCORD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Gold Pan California, a gold mining supply shop located in the Bay Area, is bustling with suction dredge gold miners who are anxiously trying to get information about what is going on in Sacramento. 'This is a new financial disaster headed straight to the heart of the Golden State,' says GPC owner Mike Dunn.

Gold Pan California says Calif. Budget Committee Attempts to Hinder Gold Mining Science Report

CONCORD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Gold Pan California has been building inventory of gold mining equipment in anticipation of the season re-opening in November. That anticipation is quickly fading and scorn for the Calif. Legislature is taking its place, for owner Mike Dunn. Pointing to a hefty 1,500-page scientific report, Dunn declares 'The Legislature is trying to prohibit the science from being published.'