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Tag: The Grandich Letter

Market has Peaked says Peter Grandich, of The Grandich Letter

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, dubbed the 'Wall Street Whiz Kid' on national television for calling the 1987 'Black Monday' market crash, has been making major top and bottom calls for 26 years. Now, Grandich has his bear suit back on, and is calling for a new top.

New Book 'Restoring the American Dream' features foreward by Peter Grandich

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, editor and publisher of the Grandich Letter, has authored the foreword in Michel Faulkner's new book 'Restoring the American Dream' (ISBN 13: 978-1-936314-30-0), which is being released nationally today. Grandich, an internationally-followed financial commentator and markets expert.

Trinity Financial Advisory Board adds Ron Greschner

WALL, N.J. -- Peter Grandich, founder of Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment Management Company, Atlantic Avenue, announced that former NHL New York Ranger hockey player Ron Greschner has joined the company's advisory board.

Former New York Giant David Tyree has joined the Trinity Financial Advisory Board

WALL, N.J. -- Peter Grandich, founder of Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment Management Company, Atlantic Avenue, announced that Super Bowl XLII hero and former New York Giant David Tyree has joined the company's advisory board.