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Tranzon Key announces Prime Goochland County, Virginia Development Land Up for Grabs at Auction

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Town hall meetings focused on the future of Centerville in Goochland County reveal neighbors who are keenly aware of inevitable growth and development, with an expressed desire to "grow gracefully," according to Tranzon Key. Local residents are already seeing residential developments springing up - Reader's Branch and Mosaic are a couple of the newer ones.

Prime Kilmarnock, Va. Retail Space Up for Bid August 29 as Local Carried Away Cuisine Chef Retires After Over 20 Years

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- In the riverine coastal community of Kilmarnock, Jackie Brown is a fixture, known as the head chef and shop proprietor of the Main Street establishment, "Carried Away Cuisine" kitchen and shoppe. What she's known for are her glass cases filled with delectable delights, according to auction firm Tranzon Key, whom Ms. Brown has hired to sell the real estate, kitchen equipment, furniture, and equipment as a package.