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Tag: Windows 7 freeware

Get the Best System Backup Software: Free for Windows Users – EASEUS Todo Backup Professional

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- EASEUS Software, a leading provider of storage management, data backup and system disaster recovery solutions for Microsoft Windows, is giving away backup software - EASEUS Todo Backup Professional (worth $29), featuring powerful system backup and disaster recovery to get the computer up in minutes.

Mulit-boot Partition a Hard Drive with Aomei Partition Assistant

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. -- If you have partitions on your computer's hard drive, then it is not exactly the same but serves same purpose as having different hard drives. According to Aomei Technology, one of the primary objectives to have a partition in your hard drive is to distinguish an operating system from user work and data files.

EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Edition – the Best Gift Given on Memorial Day for PC Users!

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Memorial Day is here and EASEUS will make your day memorable! Just as the CEO of EASEUS Software claimed a few days ago, 'We will challenge the traditional data recovery software industry and liberate our users from the limitations that most commercial data recovery software places on users. Users who choose and use our software will be given full control over the software without any limitation.'