Washington, DC /eNewsChannels/ — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is pleased to announce the appointment of Ambassador Victoria Nuland as Special Envoy for Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE).

Ambassador Nuland and her staff will work under the daily direction of Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher in close coordination with the Bureau of European Affairs, the Bureau of Verification, Compliance and Implementation, and an interagency team, to develop new approaches to addressing security challenges in the Euro-Atlantic area and to develop ideas to modernize our current conventional arms control structures. She also will work with our NATO Allies and our European partners in conventional arms control, including Russia, on diplomatic solutions.

Ambassador Nuland is a 26-year veteran of the Foreign Service with past postings as U.S. Ambassador to NATO and at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

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Tabitha Angel Berg is an aspiring author and musician and joined eNewsChannels in Nov. 2006 as an editor and mistress of the WP-based content management system (CMS). She likes ferrets better than cats and tea better than coffee, and is a devout iPad evangelist. Nobody pays her to like Dr. Pepper, but wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?