Could World Prayer Help Protect Sochi Olympics?

OPINION: The Olympics has been the greatest force for Peace, Understanding, Healing, and Unity for over 1000 years in Ancient times and 100 years in Modern times.  Given that Olympic heroes have inspired countless youth to be happily healthy, productive, brilliant and generous, we hope you will take a moment to join this world prayer for “The Joy and Safety of the Sochi Olympics,” heartened by how it has worked for the last five Olympics.

We are calling on our Olympic Family and all who love the Games to be participants of the Sochi Olympics by joining us in this prayer led by a gifted Cherokee Earth healer, skier, teacher and my dear advisor, Olivia Ellis PhD.


We lift our overflowing hearts to You, Great Creator of All That Is, and give thanks for the beauty of every Olympic event we witness in this magnificent landscape of Russia’s Motherland. We thank You for answering our prayers for safety and good weather in the past, and we ask for that again this day. 

These games remind us of our connection with each other and with You, You Who stands always in our midst. Among Mother Earth’s mountains, You Are, and You speak to us. We hear You asking us to reach out to one another in friendship, those seen and those unseen by us, for All are relations.

We seek Your Blessings again and ask You to send Your Great Protective Spirit to ensure that beauty and joy continues before, during, and after the Sochi Olympics. And we thank You Creator for You Have Already Made It So!

Native Americans at the 2004 Athens Olympics
Photo Caption: Native Americans at the 2004 Athens Olympics being honored by Olympians from 7 countries at site of first Modern Games in 1896, for their gifts to Olympics and leading Protection prayers for their Games. L-R US Olympic co-host Suzy Chaffee with Fernando Jose (Navajo/Inca), Ullarik (Inca), Helen Korevesis of Olympic Truce, Chasque (Taos Pueblo), Condor (Inca), and co-host Mike Voudouris (Olympic luger)who helped bring Iraqis to the Games. ©


As an Olympic skier I first realized that my euphoria marching at the Opening Ceremonies of my Grenoble Olympics, was feeling part of a joyful, Loving World Family! That is why I honor the Native Elders for using their Ancient Wisdom to help preserve it, while demonstrating the courage and wisdom to love unconditionally, as Mandela did.

I also salute our big-hearted Russian hosts for keeping the Olympics a shining model of how the sports performances of all races, religions and genders are celebrated, and in appreciating their other unique priceless gifts to humanity, we are bringing in this amazing New Era.

Those fortunate enough to go to Sochi could also say a prayer at one of the 10,000 year old megalith dolmans. These stone temples, some sprinkled around Sochi, were created by the (oracle) ancestors of Anastasia, the mystic of Siberia who was raised by animals in the taiga forest. Giving gratitude, even long distance, to these energy centers similar to the Great Pyramids, and to Mother Earth, could also do wonders.   A First Nation’s leader of Canada said they see Nature like Anastasia.


More are hearing about the cross-cultural Elders-led prayers and ceremonies that have quietly helped protect the last five Olympics including: Salt Lake, Athens, Beijing, Vancouver and London.

Why are the Elders helping us?  Some are inspired by our sports outreaches to their youth and they all look after the well-being of seven generations. Said gifted Southern Ute Elder Eddie Box Jr, whose father led the first snowdance that saved Vail in 1963 (covered on CBS Huntley-Brinkley Report), “We need to live in more harmony with Nature and each other.”

The following could further empower or impassion your Sochi prayer and help the Modern Olympics go on and on for our children.


These tribal prayers started when there was high expectation of terrorism at the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, why some didn’t attend. So the SLOC wisely called on the Hopis (Peace Tribe) who then lead ceremonies at dawn in the Athletes Village. To help ensure that the stunning Opening Ceremonies honoring the First Americans was the focus of the Games, our Native American Olympic Team Foundation (NAOTF) organized a ceremony next to Park City’s World’s Largest Teepee, guided by Lakota Chief Arvol Lookinghorse, (who hosts an annual World Peace & Prayer Day in different countries). It was graciously led by Northern Ute Olympic Host, Chairman Roland McCook, with members of four different tribes and Muhammad Ali sent a touching note saying, “I stand with my Native American brothers and sisters…” It blessedly worked.

To protect the 2004 Athens Olympics, Woodie Vaspra, President of the World Council of Elders (Hawaiian), a former pro baseball and football player, led a prayer in appreciation for the Greeks giving birth to the Ancient Olympics. The games started as a spiritual celebration like many Native American sports.

In turn, Olympians from seven countries honored the American Indian guests of Gianna Angelopoulos, President of the Athens Organizing Organizing Committee, for helping invent the roots of 11 Olympic Sports. Their street dances were hugely popular.

For the 2008 China Olympics, Geronimo’s Apache leaders led prayers for their “relations” to have abundant blue sky days at Beijing for their health and protecting their Opening.  Their Birds Nest Stadium had no lid on it yet they were hosting the most World leaders in Modern Olympic history, including President Obama.

1,000 drummers mimicking the heartbeat of Mother Earth called in the good spirits to also bless what turned out to be a breathtaking Opening Ceremonies (and Games). A Chinese press story revealed that “Beijing’s weather forecast was 85% chance of rain and thunderstorms,” and acknowledged Chinese prayer groups for helping.

Likely inspired by their tribes protecting the Utah Games, the 2012 London Olympic Organizing Committee invited the gifted Northern Ute Elder Clifford Dunkin as a special guest at their Games, according to Indian Country Today Media. Their “at risk” Games were wonderfully peaceful.

The 2010 Vancouver Olympics started on a magical high note thanks to their stunning First Nations Opening. That changed when a Georgian luger died in practice at Whistler Mt. Then the downhill was postponed because of the fog and rain. So I shared with Ronnie Lester, the gracious Lil’wat Elder host of our Native American Olympic Hopefuls, how a snowboarder had died in training at Telluride’s World Championships. So Ute Mt Elder Tony Tallbirds led a prayer for the Safety of the athletes, and the competitors chanted “Tony, Tony Tony…” It worked!

Ronnie said he didn’t work with weather but graciously led a Prayer with the Squamish Elders “for the Joy and Safety of the Olympians and Visitors” on their ancestral mountain. Since  Olympic downhillers (which I was) have alot more joy when they can see the gates at 70+ mph, Vancouver was blessed with “a rare number of bluebird days.” See Ronnie’s ceremony with XC Hopeful Mariah Cooper (Lac Courte Oreilles-Oneida).

I later learned from the Elders that their ceremonial prayers giving love and appreciation to Mother Earth, the Nature and ancestral spirits also clear the mountains of thoughtforms so they don’t replicate more accidents around those spots, which could prevent alot more injuries.  The “Psychic Detectives” TV Show corroborated about those thoughtforms.


Sochi is also important to me because I have Russian-Bella Russe blood. Plus while doing TV commentary at Russia’s spectacular 1979 Pre Olympic Spartaciade, I had an amazing touching experience while trying to give President Breshnev rollerskates on behalf of the youth of America to create harmony between our countries.


For 18 years ski areas have been leading the healing of America through sports like Mandela. An historic breakthrough happened this January when Los Alamos’ Pajarito ski area and Ski Santa Fe teamed up to magnanimously invite Native youth of New Mexico and Arizona to ski for an affordable $25 for a ticket, lesson and gear. And it is rippling to other states!

It was in appreciation to the Pueblo and Apaches for leading prayers that protected the Los Alamos nuclear Lab and Pajarito Ski Area from the devastating Southwest fires in 2011.

“The Miracles at Los Alamos” were also supported by over 200 interfaith folks praying on Mt Baldy Ski Area 40 minutes from LA. It is one of “19 Holy Mountains” on three Continents where prayers on any part are multiplied 3,000 times. So saying a prayer for Sochi on them is another powerful way to assist. See list near end:

Some of the prayers during pilgrimages to these mountains, organized by the Aetherius Society, have also been stored in batteries and released later to assist humanity to prevent or diminish catastrophes anywhere. (Stanford University also found prayer can be stored.) It was developed by British mystic-scientist-yogi Sir George King in the 60’s. Some of those prayers were sent last week to help protect California’s forests and homes, and it blessedly rained and snowed!


What would also protect the Sochi Games is raising its vibration by focusing more on the Olympic ideals, especially lifting the most underserved, as Pope Francis urged. “The Trust Frequency” (Bailey & Marlow) is a good guidebook for raising our vibration to win at life and sports.

Around the time of my 68 Olympics 120 U.S. cities had burned. I changed my direction in life as a result of serving on Vice President Humphrey’s team of Olympians giving inner city clinics. I first saw the power of sports to heal, and shifted from Planet ME to Planet WE since it feels like an ongoing Olympic high.

By Olympians outreaching and healing the disenfranchised through sports, with or without our governments, we can also give our children Climate Justice and create the world they want.

The consensus of 192 countries in 2012 was “the key to regenerating Mother Earth is a combination of Green Technology and Ancient Wisdom through the Indigenous.”  So it is critical to include more Indigenous in our Olympic Family, and mobilize green action, the new Olympic Piller, to preserve Earth’s majestic playgrounds.

Hail to the mystic Anastasia who has inspired 30 million Russian families through Vladamir Malgre’s “Ringing Cedars(.com)” book series to plant organic gardens (80% of food supply) and millions of trees, which has cleaned Russia’s air and water to enhance natural snow cycles and their health. See the phenomenal school she envisioned where the students who designed, built and run it, are forging a bright future for humanity.

We thank each of you and all the prayer groups, especially the Native American Elders, for helping Joy win at Sochi! This is way to be a meaningful member of the Sochi Olympic Team!

For more info or to further assist helping bring in the radiant New Era, contact,,

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Article is Copr. © 2014 by Suzy Chaffee and originally published on – all commercial and reprint rights reserved. Opinions are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or policy of this site or its publisher. Content has not been edited beyond simple typo checks in order to retain the author’s unique voice. READ MORE from Suzy at: .

Suzy Chaffee
Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee Bio - as first woman on the USOC board in the 70s, she led the successful reform of the Olympic Rules with Legends like Bill Bradley, Muhammad Ali, Jack Kelly, Kip Keino, which leveled the playing fields with the government supported countries through Madison Ave, then led the Title IX March in DC. In 1996 she co-founded the Native American Olympic Team Foundation that has inspired ski areas across the US and Canada to invite tribal youth to share the joy of skiing with over 10,000 youth, which inspires their Elders to lead snowdances that have saved ski areas from droughts for 55 years. At the request of SLOC, she orchestrated a snowdance that restored their snow and also a Native ceremony with Ali, that protected Utah from expected terrorism, and every Olympics since then, including RIO!