AUSTIN, Texas — WidowPC, the industry’s leading gaming computer boutique, launched the world’s first gaming computer designed especially for World of Warcraft players. The PC hardware and software is optimized to play World of Warcraft at the best possible performance and detail. The new machine sports a new form of intelligent networking technology that greatly reduces that amount of lag experienced by the player in World of Warcraft and other massively multiplayer online (MMO) games.

WidowPC WoW Online Gaming PC“Most of our engineering staff are World of Warcraft players and have been designing PC’s for their friends,” said WidowPC CEO Joshua McClure. “Our customers said we should offer an affordable machine that plays World of Warcraft exceptionally well. This new ‘Killer NIC’ online gaming accelerator allows us to design a great system for World of Warcraft players with $1,495 that will play World of Warcraft with the online performance of a much more expensive system.”

This exceptional bang-for-the-buck stems from the gaming system being built around Bigfoot Networks’ new “Killer NIC” online gaming network accelerator. The Killer has a built in processor, and this extra processing muscle gives online gamers a massive advantage against online opponents.

“WidowPC is giving gamers exactly what they want – a stellar gaming system at an affordable price that is specifically designed with online game performance in mind,” says Bigfoot Networks’ CEO Harlan Beverly. “Gamers are going to be blown away when they see how well this PC performs in World of Warcraft.”

About WidowPC
WidowPC, the industry’s leading gaming computer boutique, specializes in hand-crafting high end computers tailored for customers who demand the highest levels of performance and support for mission critical computing. WidowPC has won editor’s choice awards from PC Gamer magazine, Computer Gaming World magazine, LAPTOP Magazine, and has won accolades in Maxim magazine, Forbes, CNET, The New York Times, and many other national and regional publications. More information about the WoW Online Gaming PC can be found at

About Bigfoot Networks
Bigfoot Networks (BFN) is only company in existence whose sole mission is to fight Lag. The Killer NIC has received numerous accolades and editor’s choice awards. More information is available at

[tags]WidowPC gaming PC, World of Warcraft computer system[/tags]