eNewsChannels COLUMN: Following Japan’s tragic nuclear wake up call, humanity is at a pivotal crossroads: Choosing to keep pouring billions more dollars into trying to make “uninsurable” nuclear energy safer, despite more cost effective alternatives, and given that top scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, agree that there is NO SAFE nuclear energy, OR shifting 2012’s national and state budgets NOW to support safe, renewable, cost-effective wind, solar, tidal turbine and geothermal energy.

In a landmark decision on April 25 that is rippling across America, the People of Pueblo Colorado chose to protect their families and Rocky Mountain Ski Mecca with renewable energy over a nuclear reactor, to prevent more priceless catastrophes that threaten our very existence.

Given that technology has not been able to solve our world eco crisis, UN General Assembly President Brockman said, “We need to listen to the voice of Indigenous People,” supported by six Nobel Prize Winners. But it was the late Secretary of Interior Stewart Udall, who first said at Aspen’s World Watch conference, “There is hope for humanity because we are starting to listen to the wisdom of Native Americans.”

The Hopi Elders have warned us for decades in the “Book of Hopi” by Frank Waters that, “Three of our worlds have already been destroyed. The first one by volcano triggered fires, the second by ice and the third by floods, all as a result of the Earth shifting on Her axis. Creator destroyed these worlds after the Oneness given us turned into human quarrels, corruption, world wars over materialism, and then technology making humanity forget to ‘sing joy from our hearts to Creator.’ But those who kept their hearts open were saved.”

We are now in the 4th world, and Hopi Elders say that “the United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. But those with peace in their hearts will be sheltered.” (REF: http://www.iamamerica.com/media/following_the_star.pdf ). The Elders also say that prophesies can shift as the minds and hearts and actions of humanity shift.

The late Sir George King, astrophysicist and mystic, corroborates much of the Hopi Prophesy in his book “The Holy Mountains of the World” (published by Aetherius Society). He said “Planet Earth is an ancient Goddess of immense compassion, wisdom and cosmic experience, who gives us refuge upon Her surface.” He agreed that each of these three worlds, or human civilizations, were destroyed by the Earth’s axial turns. The difference is that he says the axial turns all triggered massive floods that cleansed the earth and prevented nuclear chain-reactions. Dr. King explained that Man had nuclear technology then that could have killed life forms on most of the planet’s surface for hundreds of thousands of years, and possibly Mother Earth Herself. And the Great Ones consider the protection of Mother Earth as first priority.

The Hopi and Dine/Navajo Elders say that coal is Mother Earth’s precious liver, and uranium both Her heart and lungs, which is why they have always fought mining in the Four Corners, and why the Navajo developed model solar communities in Arizona. Oil, which they call “the blood of Mother Earth,” is the lubricant of our Continental tectonic plates, why using renewable energy sources is imperative or “Shift Happens.”

Mother Earth is also a teacher through timely “signs.” On the eve of UN’s second International Mother Earth Day on April 22, ABC News reported that Arkansas’ gas drilling that started a year ago, was shut down after 1,000 earthquake tremors, which had never happened there before.

Yet in this 4th World, scientists in the U.S. and other nations have known since the 1950s about the horrific dangers of all things nuclear. In 1957, Walter Russell, who was called “the Man who tapped the secrets of the Universe” by IBM founder Tom Watson Sr. and others, wrote the book, “Atomic Suicide.” In it he said, “Radioactivity is man’s discovery of how we can die quickly, and not be able to propagate for many long centuries.”

This continued suicidal attempt by man is a main reason why Seneca Elder, RobertJohn Knapp spoke with Pope Benedict, who was moved to declare in 2008, “It is a sin to poison the water!”

“Through our ignorance and breaking of Nature’s laws,” Walter said, “we have collectively created sickness.” His co-author wife Lao said, “The Universal Law is the principal of giving, and violation of that law has created every war and problem in our lives.” Imagine how glorious living according to Universal Law in harmony with Nature can look and feel like!

Australia’s Dr. Helen Caldecott received a Nobel Prize for her medical research and perspective that reinforced Walter Russell’s warning to humanity that “Nuclear energy is a destroyer of worlds!”


It took Japan’s meltdown to finally wake us up to realize that more people have been killed or sickened by nuclear energy radiation than nuclear bombs. In 1999, over 10 years ago, the press reported that the “radiation from nuclear energy, atomic tests, Chernobyl and other accidents, had already poisoned humanity with over 200 times more radiation than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.” Deadly radiation from four unreported nuclear accidents in the U.S. similar to the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 was revealed by Rachel Maddow on her April MSNBC show.


And here we are again. CNN reported that the Japanese quake sparked the axial shift of the earth’s crust, prophesied by the Mayans.


Our human family has flunked “Survival 101” three times from forgetting, ignoring, allowing ourselves to be distracted, or hiding these lessons. Knowing these horrific human history lessons, and inspired by the mindshift created by UN’s International Mother Earth Day, let us collectively set our hearts on choosing to manifest the other (multi-cultural) prophesy of 1,000 years of Peace and Prosperity for all life forms, including all of us and our children who take responsibility for creating a New Earth.

Dr King’s book “You Are Responsible” would say it is imperative for each of us to do our part to INSIST that our leaders shut down and stop the licensing and building of all nuclear reactors, and to phase out anything nuclear related NOW (weaponry, uranium mines and mills). Then SHIFT our 2012 Budgets from defense and nuclear projects to safe wind, solar, tidal turbine and geothermal energy. Let our Earth Mother safely boil our water. Let Her hum with happiness and more abundance for all!


With 2012 coming up many of us are interested in karma. I was surprised to learn that the wise ones say that ignorance is no excuse, as God gave us minds, intuition and discernment. Karma works like a bank account. Our good deeds now can offset past bad, ignorant or unconscious deeds, including our collective part. For example, Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev founded the Green Cross to make amends for his part of the nuclear arms race and Chernobyl, to warn humanity about the incomparable dangers of anything nuclear, including its waste.


Here is how you can majorly Renew our World in 15 minutes by making America or your country, nuclear free: Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton brilliantly introduced the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act of 2011, redirecting $50 billion annual funds for nuclear weapons programs towards human, infrastructure, and clear energy needs.

Following Colorado’s victory, by each doing our part to shift from nuclear to renewable energy NOW, and celebrating Mother Earth’s gifts and holding Her in our hearts every day, we are on our way to graduating from an historic cycle of abuse, to 1,000 years of phenomenal Peace and Prosperity!

See Part 2, for “A Renewed World.” And may God bless us all!

Article is Copr. © 2011 by Suzy Chaffee and opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily this site/publication (eNewsChannels.com). Facts and quoted sources are believed accurate but not guaranteed. Image Courtesy of: “Dreamstime[.]com.”

Suzy Chaffee
Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee Bio - as first woman on the USOC board in the 70s, she led the successful reform of the Olympic Rules with Legends like Bill Bradley, Muhammad Ali, Jack Kelly, Kip Keino, which leveled the playing fields with the government supported countries through Madison Ave, then led the Title IX March in DC. In 1996 she co-founded the Native American Olympic Team Foundation that has inspired ski areas across the US and Canada to invite tribal youth to share the joy of skiing with over 10,000 youth, which inspires their Elders to lead snowdances that have saved ski areas from droughts for 55 years. At the request of SLOC, she orchestrated a snowdance that restored their snow and also a Native ceremony with Ali, that protected Utah from expected terrorism, and every Olympics since then, including RIO!