CHICAGO, Ill. — While mold damage continues to be a growing problem, the Know Mold Corporation, an Illinois-based corporation, is taking a proactive role by offering a new product – KnowMold(TM) – to prevent mold before it becomes a pest. According to a study conducted by the University of Arizona, mold is present in every home; Illinois has the highest count of mold spores in the nation.

The Know Mold Corporation is working with builders and home buyers to not only treat, but to prevent mold, through a 25 year-warranty program.

“Many builders deal with the brunt of mold problems that develop after the sale of a home,” Darryl Morris, president of Know Mold Corporation,” said. “Our new warranty alleviates the pressure placed on builders and provides joint responsibility between the builder and homeowner.”

Morris explains that KnowMold(TM) contracts are similar to termite contracts that many homeowners can assume. The first year, the builder keeps the warranty current. At the end of the first year, the homeowner has the option to continue service, for a minimal fee, for up to 25 years.

The cost to the builder is .35 per square foot. For example: 1,000 square feet x .35 equals $350; the cost to the homeowner, annually, is $129.

Annually, mold experts will conduct home visits to ensure that no problems exist. If a problem is detected, it is quickly resolved and treated with an organic, non-toxic product that instantly eliminates the mold – or what is now commonly referred to as a “pest.”

How does it work? At the builder’s request, the wood structure of the home is treated with a revolutionary, EPA-registered, 100 percent natural solution that cleans and eliminates existing mold on lumber, and also prevents mold from growing on treated surfaces; it contains no bleach, ammonia, alcohol, metals or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

An antimicrobial shield is applied to the interior of wood surfaces and interior wall cavities of the home which physically encapsulate and inhibit mold and fungal spores.

If during the warranty period mold growth occurs in the treated area, all remediation expenses associated with removing that growth are honored under the warranty.

The Know Mold Corporation also offers training for builders to become applicators. Call 1-888-825-YEAR(9327), or visit: .

[tags]Know Mold Corporation, mold prevention products, KnowMold molds protection[/tags]