BOSTON, Mass. — The Air Charter Association of North America (ACANA), a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting the highest standards of ethics, integrity and professionalism in the air charter industry has announced that ACANA members now have the ability to utilize Wyvern/PASS. This automated vendor management tool will allow the charter professionals of ACANA to continue to focus on full compliance and disclosure, assurance of operational control, safety and operator quality.

PASS, a trip specific report, enables ACANA members to verify that each flight that they arrange on behalf of a client conforms to the relevant legal requirements, including the all-important issue of operational control. Additionally, ACANA members can determine that a proposed operator will utilize crew members with an appropriate level of crew experience, and that the operator is sufficiently insured.

The Safety Intelligence Report (SIR) capability allows users to access detailed, accurate and up-to-date information about charter operators, their fleets, pilots, insurance and accident/incident information to help the air charter professionals of ACANA make informed decisions about potential vendors. Because information is gleaned directly from the FAA, members do not have to utilize third party vendor certification unless they choose to do so. Currently virtually all Part 135 operators can be researched utilizing SIR, and at the request of ACANA, Wyvern has added the majority of Part 121 operators.

“We are very pleased that our members now have access to PASS via Wyvern/CharterX. ACANA will continue to be at the forefront of our industry relative to establishing consistent standards and best practices in our industry. This initiative demonstrates our continued commitment to differentiating our membership in the marketplace from those entities that do not add value to our industry. We are confident that our efforts will also benefit the many quality vendors that our membership does business with,” said Scott Bickford, Chairman of ACANA and CEO of Air Planning, LLC.

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[tags]Air Charter Association of North America, Safety Intelligence Report, CEO Scott Bickford, Wyvern PASS[/tags]