eNewsChannels: Japanese Yokai Art

MILL VALLEY, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: ArteQuesta today announced that Evan Skrederstu, a Los Angeles-based urban artist and member of street-art collective UGLARworks (Unified Group of Los Angeles Residents), will be a featured artist in an upcoming exhibition titled “Beware! Yokai!” at the Empire Seven Studios in San Jose, Calif.

Commonly translated as a ghost, phantom, or strange apparition, the term yokai has been used for the supernatural in Japanese culture for hundreds of years. Descriptions of yokai range vastly from the malevolent or mischievous to good fortune. The exhibit will explore yokai history through both traditional and unorthodox perspectives.

The show will also expand on a number of themes previously explored by the popular exhibit “Perseverance: Japanese Tattoo Tradition in the Modern World” at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles.

The exhibit includes painting, animation, sculpture, and murals completely immersing the visitor in a world of yokai. The exhibition has been curated by Chris Brand and Takahiro Kitamura. The opening reception will be Friday, October 10, 2014 with media opportunities for artist and curator interviews.

For more information about the exhibition please visit the Empire Seven Studios website. http://www.empiresevenstudios.com/ .

For more information about the work of Evan Skrederstu please visit ArteQuesta’s website at http://www.artequesta.com/ .

About ArteQuesta:

ArteQuesta helps individuals, families, companies and institutions build investment quality art collections. We help clients discover new art and artists; get access to art not available to the public; advise on purchases and sales; provide first-class provenance services; buy and sell; keep them up to date on trends, new artists and exhibitions worldwide.

Founder Rayah Levy brings years of expertise in the art market as an advisor, curator, educator and humanitarian to bring together the fine arts and the investment world, promote preeminent 21st century artists and foster artistic expression.

About Empire Seven Studios:

Empire Seven Studios (E7S) is an Art Gallery/Boutique located in the North district of Downtown San Jose, Calif. Founders Carlos Araujo & Jennifer Ahn established E7S in 2008, and since then has become a beacon to an underground art culture in the South Bay. Known for housing great talents and featuring art exhibition openings every 2nd Friday of the month, E7S has come a long way from its early beginnings as a project with friends. The consistent hard work over the years is a testament to the vigorous tasks and efforts played by each individual involved from the start.

What is now our life’s work is a privilege to share and enjoy with the public. E7S humbly pays tribute to the hard working artist; sacrificing day in and day out to push their work. This is a reminder that it’s because of them we are here and we will never conform or settle. Instead, E7S will continue to grow as was intended from the very beginning but staying rooted within its community.

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