CHICAGO, Ill. — Home makeovers should not be limited to people with long purse strings. And, thanks to Refind Interiors, LLC, it’s not. The company has launched a new design service – the room makeover service – which gives budget-minded homeowners and renters an affordable option for redecorating their current living spaces. This new design service is the only one-on-one design service in Chicago that focuses on creating high-style makeovers within a low budget. With this new room makeover design service, there is no need to spend tens of thousands on new furniture and accessories to put a fresh new face on a room. And, because the service uses what the client already has, the cost of new furniture is almost always eliminated.

The room makeover includes a one-on-one consultation in the client’s home; and a design plan that transforms the space into something that better fits the client’s desires and lifestyle. There is also a shopping service that is optional and can include some new furnishings, if desired. The whole process takes only an hour or two, so the client is not inconvenienced and can also get immediate satisfaction. The whole room can be made over within a day.

The cost of a room makeover is $495.

Jill Weinberg, owner of Refind Interiors says, “This makeover service allows people to take advantage of the luxury of a professional decorating service without spending an excessive amount of cash.”

She adds that, “New spaces and appearances also deliver a renewed sense of satisfaction. Peace of mind often results from a room that feels just right. It can enhance confidence and is a great antidote to the stress and anxiety people are feeling right now.”

About Refind Interiors, LLC

Weinberg has been designing unique interiors for more than 25 years. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including: Interiors; North Shore Lifestyle; Chicago Social; and the Milwaukee Journal. Jill was also named South Florida Designer of the Year for four consecutive years.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, visit:

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