New Comedy CD: Darryl Littleton, pka D’Militant, offers up his hilariously uncensored opinions on today’s trending topics
NEWS: Uproar Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of Darryl Littleton's newest comedy CD, 'Too Raw for Mainstream.' For Darryl Littleton pka D'Militant, no subject is out of bounds, no topic too sensitive, no commentary too raw. With his crackling wit, Littleton holds nothing back, unflinchingly delivering slicing and incisive social and political commentary.
Grillefest 2015 Fall Roadshow and Wing Cook-Off at The Avenue Viera in Florida
NEWS: Experience Grillefest, the first annual Brevard County Florida wing cook-off, presented by the Viera Company and Brighthouse Network Solutions, at The Avenue Viera on Sunday, October 25, 2015. Brevard County chefs will be put to the test to create the ultimate chicken wing.
Blue Ribbon Events announces Book Signing by Celebrated Equestrian Author Vicky Moon in Washington D.C.
NEWS: On Saturday evening, Oct. 24, 2015, best-selling author Vicky Moon will celebrate the release of her latest book, 'The Stylish Life - Equestrian' (ISBN: 978-3832732639) with a book signing at the prestigious Washington International Horse Show (WIHS), presented by Blue Ribbon Events.
Alec Monopoly is at Guy Hepner in NYC and he’s bringing the street art with him
NEWS: Street artist Alec Monopoly is at Guy Hepner in NYC and he's bringing the streets with him. Who is Alec Monopoly? While his true identity remains a mystery, chances you've been to Los Angeles, New York, Miami or London, you've probably driven past the Monopoly artist's graffiti murals featuring widely-known, wealthy pop-culture figures from childhood, like the Monopoly Man, Richie Rich or Uncle Scrooge.
L.A. Prog Rockers, The Usual Suspects, Headline Show at Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach CA
NEWS: The Usual Suspects, a progressive rock band with a bluesy soul, is making an appearance at the Sainte Rock in Hermosa Beach, Calif. on October 25, 2015. They will also be promoting their debut CD - 'Back to Zero.'
Bestselling Author Thornton Cline to Bring ‘Shrinking Piano’ and ‘The Contrary’ to Virginia Book Events
NEWS: Bestselling author and award-winning songwriter, Thornton Cline will bring his latest published books, 'The Amazing Incredible Shrinking Piano' and 'The Contrary' (ISBN: 978-1612965628) to the Central Virginia area for a free multimedia book event tour of libraries and festivals, Oct. 13-19, 2015. Cline is a native 'Richmonder' from Virginia.
NY welcomes newest Steri-Clean franchise: Host of hit TV Show ‘Hoarders’ comes to New York
NEWS: TV Star and lead expert of the hit cable television show 'Hoarders,' Cory Chalmers, will be making a special guest appearance at his newest Steri-Clean franchise. This franchise owned by Doug Baruchin is inviting the public to its grand opening / open house on Saturday Oct. 17, 2015, beginning at noon at their franchise headquarters.
A Little Night Music: The Blue Hill Troupe Announces 92nd Season to Benefit Children’s Cancer and Blood Foundation
NEWS: The Blue Hill Troupe, the only musical theater group in New York City to donate its net proceeds to charity, announces its 92nd season with 'A Little Night Music,' Nov. 13-21, 2015 at The Theatre at St. Jean's and Gilbert and Sullivan's 'Iolanthe, or the Peer and the Peri,' April 8-16, 2016 at El Teatro of El Museo del Barrio.
GLAMSQUAD’s Alexandra Wilkis Wilson to be Keynote Speaker at 2015 New York City Event Planner Expo
NEWS: The annual Event Planner Expo, brought to you by EMRG Media, announced that Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, co-founder, and CEO GLAMSQUAD, will be its keynote speaker this year. This premier event planner event will take place in New York City at the Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, on October 7, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Pit Stop Players Present Halloween Event in NY: ‘Nothing To Be Afraid Of’
NEWS: No boos here! The Pit Stop Players, an instrumental chamber ensemble composed of veteran Broadway pit musicians, launch their sixth season with a concert of Halloween-themed music at Christ and Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church, 120 West 69th Street, on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.