Family and Parenting

Family, Babies, and Parenting News

Talula Goes To New York: a New Interactive Children's Book with Some of the Most Famous Historical Places

CORTLANDT MANOR, N.Y. -- "Talula Goes To New York" (ISBN: 9781432705381), a new book by Jeanine Altreche, has a little of everything to entice a young reader. Adventure, suspense, fun and excitement including puzzles and clues making it an interactive story.

New Baby Friendly Sleep and Playwear from Stuk On U

CORTLANDT MANOR, N.Y. -- This is the new must have item for babies. Stuk On U has created the first ever, patent-pending baby sleep and playwear that opens and closes with the softest-to-the-touch Velcro(R). No more pinchy zippers and snap buttons to button. This is what moms everywhere have been waiting for.

Tutorz and Crown Tutoring Team Up to Help Parents Find The Perfect Tutor

PORT HUENEME, Calif. and PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- Tutorz' vertical search engine and Crown Tutoring in-home tutoring services partner to "feed the tutoring needs" of students nationwide. Crown Tutoring will provide discount in home tutoring services using referrals from Tutorz' unique search engine technology.

My Reward Board Offers Microsoft Money Plus Customers a Fun and Effective Way to Manage Their Children's Allowance and Track Chores

My Reward Board,LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- My Reward Board today announced it has made an arrangement with Microsoft for a special 30-day trial version of the My Reward Board children's allowance and chore tracking system to be made available to Microsoft Money Plus customers. The My Reward Board program emphasizes a positive approach for encouraging kids to complete their chores.

New Book Helps Heal Daughters' Souls and Honors Their Fathers Using the Lost Art of Letter Writing

Letters to Fathers from DaughtersFLORENCE, Mass. -- Letters for Healing announces the release of their book "Letters to Fathers from Daughters: A Pathway to Healing and Hope" (ISBN: 978-1-932279-74-0). It honors the undeniably crucial bond between daughters and their dads from the daughters' perspective.

Unique Software, Mom Says No™, Gives Parents Control over Children's Online Chat Time and Reduces Confrontation

MOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. -- Visionsoft, a U.K.-based software company announces the launch of a new software product that allows parents to control their child's online chat time: Mom Says No(TM) allows parents to easily control Internet and online chat activity including MSN; parents can set start and end times without unnecessary confrontation.

New Author Aimee Schmidt Writes Children's Book Touting the Value of Being Unique

Abner FinklesteinRANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif. -- First time author Aimee Schmidt releases a new children's book today focused on teaching kids about the value of being a unique person. The book, "Abner Finklestein" (ISBN: 978-1-933732-16-9), focuses on a troubled child that finds himself getting made fun of on a consistent basis by his peers.

Recent BOOST Kids Study Shows 70% of Career Success Attributable to People Skills

BOOST KidsPLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. -- A recent study of Human Resource Managers by BOOST Kids has shown that 70% of an individual's career success is a direct result of his or her "People Skills" versus only 30% of a person's career success is attributable to their technical knowledge of the job.

Letter from Father to Son Blossoms into a New Book and Publishing Company

Letters from HomeEUREKA, Mont. -- EnDeavours Publishing LLC (est. 2006), a newly founded, independent book publisher, recently released its first book titled "Letters from Home - Thoughts to Carry with You Upon Leaving the Nest" (ISBN-13 978-0-9791293-7-7). EnDeavours Publishing LLC is owned and operated by husband and wife team David C. and Jennifer Deavours.

Is Sober Cool? asks BuzzFree Prom

Buzz Free PromDALLAS, Texas -- How do you make staying sober 'cool' during America's biggest teen party season? BuzzFree Prom, part of a cause-marketing effort dedicated to teen safety and responsible behavior, announces its successful third year of offering safe alternatives to substance abuse and driving.