Program Slogan: “If you leave in a tux please don’t come back in a bodybag”

DALLAS, Texas — How do you make staying sober ‘cool’ during America’s biggest teen party season? BuzzFree Prom, part of a cause-marketing effort dedicated to teen safety and responsible behavior, announces its successful third year of offering safe alternatives to substance abuse and driving. BuzzFree is taking off in markets across the country, including Colorado, where BuzzFree is endorsed by the State PTA. Communities are encouraged to tailor it to their town’s needs, such as the case with Deming, New Mexico.

County DWI Prevention Program Director, Claudia Pena contacted BuzzFree to customize the program for her town. “Our students were an accident waiting to happen,” said Pena. “They would head across the border to the Mexican border town of Palomas to drink and party leaving 1,200 high school students to make the 30-minute drive back, most under the influence. We adopted BuzzFree Prom three years ago which attracted numerous prom-goers.”

Buzz Free Prom “This year’s BuzzFree event will be the biggest ever. We found that even kids who planned to drink were positively influenced by the BuzzFree Prom program,” stated Pena.

BuzzFree begins messaging with powerful posters and a DVD which encourage responsible teen behavior. Students who sign the BuzzFree pledge to remain sober are rewarded with a BuzzFree Prom ID and this year, BuzzFree is working with Claire’s and Sally Beauty Supply which will offer ‘BuzzFreebies’ to students.

“There are numerous organizations preaching zero tolerance for teens, but BuzzFree distinguishes itself as program that acknowledges and praises responsible choices that begin with signing a BuzzFree Prom Pledge,” says Orchard. “Our strategy is to create more reasons to make smart choices. You know, make the grass greener on the sober side. In return for their positive behavior, BuzzFree teens are rewarded with prom merchandise discounts in local communities that adopt the program.”

“In our drive to be a relevant positive force for today’s teens, we have just produced our latest reality-based DVD showcasing real teens with relevant substance-abuse issues who have turned their lives around and now provide positive directions for other teens,” says Orchard. “In addition, our posters, now available in Spanish, as well as English, feature graphic depictions of consequences when teens drink or use other drugs.”

About BuzzFree
BuzzFree is based in Dallas and was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur and consumer promotions expert Liza Orchard. The company develops cause-marketing solutions, and its mission is to provide incentive-rich environments to support and encourage responsible choices.

BuzzFree Prom, in its fifth year, is the first of BuzzFree’s numerous programs to support organizations committed to deterring the dangerous and/or illegal use of alcohol and other drugs, including steroid and enhancement-performance drugs.

BuzzFree is a subsidiary of Idea Orchard, LLC. For more information, visit us on the web at

[tags]Buzz Free Prom, safe prom night for teens, Idea Orchard LLC[/tags]