WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Oracle Group announces that, on April 17th, 2009, President Johnson Sirleaf will discuss her upcoming release titled: “This Child Will Be Great: Memoir of a Remarkable Life by Africa’s First Woman President” (ISBN: 978-0061353475, hardcover; Harper) in the only official book signing event planned for Washington D.C. Guests will enjoy an exclusive evening of readings and receive signed copies of her extraordinary memoir.

President Johnson Sirleaf appears on Friday April 17, 2009 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. The event time is 6:30 p.m. Each ticket comes with a signed book and a portion of the proceeds will help to support literacy initiatives in Liberia.

Event partners include, the U.S. Department of State Office Bureau of African Affairs, Library of Congress, the Mayors’ Office on African Affairs and Afrocaribe TV

“In the Cafe with Mocha,” produced by The Oracle Group (www.theoraclegroup.net) is a weekly, 30-minute talk show highlighting the works of nationally and internationally acclaimed authors. It is an exciting new twist on the literary talk show that encourages the participation and interaction of readers by offering outlets at home, online and in the community. Authors will appear at selected venues across the nation where readers are invited to participate in the television taping.

Following each filming readers are offered the opportunity to meet and greet the authors and take part in a book signing. The show takes the reader out of the traditional setting into an arena where books and authors are able to come alive through the power of television and the internet.

The Oracle Group is an internationally recognized agency that specializes in producing events that promote literacy. The primary focus is to connect authors with events that engage and uplift the local, national and global community. Their initiatives and partnerships include, the National Book Festival, NAACP Annual Author Pavilion, Reading Across Continents Student Literary Exchange Project and the first ever National Children’s Book Festival in September 2010.

Website: http://www.theoraclegroup.net .

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