SEVERN, Md. — Rosetta Classic, LLC is now offering commercially available, hand crafted replicas of the original Rosetta Stone to any interested entity or individual – considered by some to be “the Rosetta Stone of replicas.” Anyone interested in the fields of archaeology, Egyptology, cryptology, publishing, geology, science, writing, mathematics, translation work and/or languages understands the significance of this famous artifact. Rosetta Classic(R), LLC (in collaboration with The Freeman Institute(R) Foundation) announced that, for the first time, any person or entity in the world can now own and exhibit a distinctive full-size, 3D Classic Rosetta replica (45-inches tall x 30-inches wide x 11-inches thick, 95 lbs.) of the original Rosetta Stone, housed in the British Museum.

Rosetta ClassicRosetta Classic is not affiliated with the British Museum, which has not endorsed or sponsored Rosetta Classic, The Freeman Institute Foundation, or the Rosetta Stone replica project.

The Hybrid Rosetta model is also available to the general public. It’s a coffee table (40-inches long x 30-inches wide x 3-inches thick), made in the shape of the face of the original Rosetta Stone, features four removable legs, allowing its owner to display the model either as a coffee table or as a piece of wall-mountable archaeological art. To our knowledge, it is the world’s first and only such dual-purpose innovation.

The official Rosetta Classic website ( provides a pictorial and verbal overview of the latest, cutting edge digital, laser, artistic sculpting, and rotational casting technologies utilized in the development of these models.

On Wednesday, October 14th, 2009 (12 noon), Dr. Freeman will be exhibiting and speaking on the topic: “The Mysterious Rosetta Stone” at the Library of Congress (DC) in the African & Middle Eastern Room. He will be exhibiting a full size replica, along with some historical items from his collection. Admission is free, and all are invited.

About Dr. Joel A. Freeman:
As the veteran mentor/chaplain for the NBA Washington Bullets/Wizards for 19 years (’79-’98), award-winning film maker, serial entrepreneur, and prolific author, Dr. Freeman has been working on this project for over four years.

Freeman is available to make a highly visual and educational presentation about the historical and contemporary significance of the Rosetta Stone. Biography: .

More information online: .