CHICAGO, Ill. — KnowledgeAdvisors, the world’s largest provider of learning and talent measurement solutions, today announced the 8th Annual Symposium with the theme Optimizing the Performance of People. The Symposium will be the premier event in 2010 bringing together organizations striving to develop world-class workforces through effective measurement and industry leaders in learning and talent measurement (

KnowledgeAdvisors SymposiumIf you or your organizations are trying to answer these questions, the March 2010 Symposium will be a key event for you.
– Do you want to improve L&D and talent measurement acumen?
– Do you want to use data for better decision-making?
– Do you need to make smart decisions for successful learning and talent outcomes?
– Do you need sound business metrics to create a high performing workforce?

The 8th Annual Symposium from KnowledgeAdvisors will be held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD on March 3-5, 2010. The speakers, breakout sessions, networking and sponsors are being assembled to address these questions and help organizations answer and address these high value questions. Registrations are now being accepted with Early Bird pricing available through December 31, 2009.

The Symposium content will feature Keynote addresses by:
– John W. Boudreau, Ph.D. from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and Center for Effective Organizations with the topic Beyond HR – A Business Approach to Building Human Capital.

– Marilyn Figlar to present Lockheed Martin’s approach to Talent Measurement.

– Thomas R. Simon, Vice-President and Chief Learning Officer at CNA Insurance presenting Building a Learning Measurement Dashboard.

– Josh Bersin of Bersin & Associates with an Industry Update on Measurement w/Case Examples.

– Tamar Elkeles on Optimizing the Performance of People at Qualcomm.

– Joseph Hillery from the Office of Personnel Management on Using Government-wide Employee Surveys to Produce Meaningful Organizational Change.

These high impact keynote addresses combine practitioner views, industry analysts, government practices, and leading edge research.

Breakout sessions, networking and vendor solutions are also key elements to this highly successful forum presented by KnowledgeAdvisors.

Five tracks will be featured at this year’s event:

1) KnowledgeAdvisors Solutions Track featuring the world’s leading human capital analytics application Metrics that Matter(R).

2) Expert Series Track to feature industry leaders Lance Dublin, Dublin Consulting, Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D., ROI Institute, Robert O. Brinkerhoff, Ph.D., Western Michigan University, and, Jac Fitz-enz, Ph.D., the father of Human Capital Benchmarking.

3) Government Track to feature agencies such as the Office of Personnel Management, Government Printing Office, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services discussing their challenges to develop the government’s workforce.

4) Practitioner Track to feature some of the world’s leading organizations such as Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Steelcase, Cisco Systems.

5) Vendor Track to bring together some solution providers helping organizations implement their measurement strategies. This includes: AchieveGlobal, Dublin & Associates, ESI, GeoLearning, i4cp, Learning Guide, and New Horizons.

To register for the 8th Annual Symposium please click here: .

About KnowledgeAdvisors:

KnowledgeAdvisors is the world’s largest provider of learning and talent measurement solutions. Leading organizations access its measurement expertise and on-demand software to ensure a high-performing workforce. As the leader in Human Capital Analytics, KnowledgeAdvisors provides the most comprehensive analytics solutions on the market. By combining measurement expertise, on-demand evaluation software, and integrated analytics solutions with benchmarking, organizations gain the necessary insights on how to best develop their workforce.