This UN heartshift, added to so many holy mountains available to people in the British Isles to protect them, and given how the Native American and First Nations’ Elders helped save the Salt Lake and Vancouver Games from snow and rain/fog challenges, respectively, gives me hope that the 2012 London Games have a good chance to go on. Plus Brits have a strong Celtic-Druid heritage and the most awareness of these holy mountains.

Few know about the multi-tribal ceremonies that also helped protect the Utah Games from expected terrorism. The ceremony next to the Great Tipi in Park City was guided by Lakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse,(for which Muhammad Ali sent a letter of support), while the Hopis led prayer ceremonies at dawn in the Athletes’ Village. The Apaches, in solidarity with their Beijing cousins, led prayers for blue skies for China’s Games, including for their Opening Ceremonies, whose forecast was “80% rain and lightening.”

Our North American Elders also led the Big Bear Medicine Wheel that ended Southern California’s seven year drought in 2004, and brought snow to Europe in 2007 when they were suffering from the “warmest winter in 1,250 years.”

Around the turn of the Millennium, IOC President Jacques Rogge wrote the wise Environmental Agenda 21 that recommended “inclusion of more Indigenous People in the Olympics to enhance the sustainability of the Games.” Perhaps it was also in appreciation for their inventing the roots of so many Olympic sports. This would help the Olympics make a similar mindshift to that of the UN, backed by 6 Nobel Prize winners, so that together we may win this Ultimate Race to Restore the Planet!

While the IOC has not yet honored their recommendation, despite the tribes also helping give them the highest ratings in history for their stunning priceless presentations at the Opening Ceremonies, Native American Elders have continued to do wonders to enhance the joy, safety and sustainability of this greatest force for peace and harmony ever.

Believing in those Olympic principles that embrace the best of humanity, it is my conviction as an Olympian who took that oath, and on behalf of my fellow Olympians who seeded this foundation so tribal wisdom can help ensure future generations enjoy snowsports, that the IOC and London organizers should do whatever it takes to include Native America’s finest in the London Games.

For example, Danielle Pelham, a Chickasaw who won the 2009 Tai Quando World Championships was not put on the US Olympic Team to China. Invite her. It would also be good collective karma for the IOC to invite five others: Brandon Leslie and Alvina Begay (Dine/Navajo), who have qualified for the US Olympic Marathon Trials, Lona Johnson (Nooksak), a leading American canoeist, and Jessie Bates (Navajo), who is now ranked 3rd after the U.S. Tai Quando Nationals, and Sharon Pond (Assiniboine) an international competitor, who missed the nationals saving her family home from the Missouri floods. They are all from sovereign nations, but without a supportive country, and deserve to march under the IOC Flag as a sign of true solidarity, appreciation, harmony, and sustainability.


Following this unprecedented string of catastrophes I was relieved beyond words that my earth-healing tribal friends and guides shared this information about the 19 Holy Mountains, and allowed me to pass it on at a time it could be better understood and deeply appreciated by so many more. The Prophesies say this is the time that secrets guarded for eons can and must be revealed to assist humanity. And here is a phenomenal tool to heal and rebalance Mother Earth and Her cycles, and help us all live in more harmony with Nature. If you don’t live near a holy mountain, bodies of water are also spiritually energized and augment prayers, especially the oceans.

“Each of these holy mountains is spiritually energized in such a way that the prayers spoken on them are magnified thousands of times over, if one’s heart is filled with compassion. Your prayers on them can literally alter the course of history,” said gifted Cherokee earth healer Olivia Ellis. Our foundation’s mission of “creating joyful unity through sports and education to help heal Mother Earth for all our children,” complemented the purpose of the Aetherius Society who brought together hundreds of people of two dozen faiths to hike and pray on Mt Baldy on June 25, to enhance World Peace.

“The Mount Baldy Pilgrimage turned out to be a magical day with such beautiful energy,” said Oscar Leon (Peruvian Inca), one of the organizers. See video: .

The Aetherians and many others believe “the changes/challenges we are seeing around the world are a result of a spiritual crisis, humanity’s karma, as well as from Mother Earth raising Her vibrations. Prayers lessen the trauma or intensity of the surface changes so we can better harmonize with this great shift, including the increased seismic activity worldwide, especially in the Pacific Ring of Fire.”


Because 3/4 of all nuclear facilities leak, said AP, and all do eventually, the floods are affecting the U.S. and World food supply, already challenged by droughts in many regions. Independent news sources say the Missouri flooding is also sweeping contaminants into America’s granaries, much like “40% of European agriculture is still not healthy to eat after the Chernobyl fallout,” said Nobel Prize winner Dr. Helen Coldicott. Given the droughts in Australia and China, and the unpredictable weather in Europe, especially Russia and the Ukraine, a global food deficit is expected.

We need to pray every day, sending love and blessings to every area in the world struggling to rebalance itself.


To add to the challenge, the New York Times admitted “a lack of confidence in the nuclear industry.” MsNBC’s Rachael Maddow revealed that three other Three Mile Island’s were covered up in the U.S. along with massive leaks, which AP reported have been “regularly breaking our Clean Air and Water Laws.” We are clearly seeing our government and Japan’s putting profits before public health, while other countries, like Sweden and Germany, are making health priority one.

Because we are now seeing how the health of all our countries are so inter-related, Earth Citizens MUST INSIST that our leaders shift their 2012 Budgets to safe solar and wind energy. That includes the $150 billion the U.S. Congress has budgeted for nuclear energy and weaponry plus oil loopholes. How many more heart-breaking lessons do we need to prove that renewable energy is the only sane way. Hopefully this convinces North Dakotans and Nebraskans to invest in their richest wind energy potential in America, according to the Department of Interior, especially since the Dakota-based Intertribal COUP won a World Clean Energy Oscar in Switzerland for their wind energy plan that could supply safe clean energy to the whole Midwest.


Children are deeply concerned about the environment, and a few, like Canada’s Severn Suzuki, have given heart wrenching speeches at the UN “that silenced the world,” to inspire adults to be more responsible Guardians of Mother Earth and their future. – in many languages. Each year more school districts are expanding their environmental programs because students are looking for more ways to learn and help. Kids love pilgrimages, and many are not shy about offering their own prayers. Experiencing one could empower them to have a lifelong love for Mother Nature.

I saw the sincere prayer of an eight year old traditional LA Indian boy that resulted in Snow Valley (CA) getting 5 inches of needed snow in appreciation for their hosting our Native Ski Program. Prayers by Ute Mt kids solved Telluride’s end of the season snow challenge in 2009. The most heart-melting part of our Gratitude Snowdances is when local kids jump in and dance with the Indian kids, knowing we are one Earth Family.


Over the past four decades, many thousands of Earth Family members, including leaders of all religions, have flocked to these 19 Holy Mountains worldwide to streamline healing Mother Earth and humanity. So spectacular has been the power of pilgrims sending pure love from these mountains that ordinary sightseers have reported having “mystical experiences and witnessing powerful rays of pure white light in the area.” Any time soon would be a life saving time for anyone to make a pilgrimage to a Holy Mt near you. Mayan Chief Don Alejandro said these kinds of cross-cultural prayers or ceremonies that reconnect us to the heart of Mother Earth are making for a smoother 2012. Especially when combined with right action. (See Addenda)


Mt Baldy, one of the most powerful Holy Mountains, is only 50 miles east of Los Angeles near Route 66 (210 freeway). Pilgrims can drive to the Mt Baldy Ski Resort parking lot where most can take a ski lift ride up the steepest part of the mountain to the lodge. Or walk the fire road for 1.5 hrs. Then you can do your prayers in the nearby shady grove, or hike 2.5-3 hours to the panoramic top. “Together those on the mountain send great waves of healing to the millions living below and out to the sea,” said Dr. Ellis.

The Aetherius Society holds smaller pilgrimages 4 or 5 times per year where they offer carpooling and discount lift tickets from their headquarters on 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood, 3 blocks south of Sunset Blvd, and one block east of Vine. More info on pilgrimages, meetings, books, tapes, including on other Continents on . And more dates below.


Oprah shared a heart expanding moment on her Australian TV show visiting the renowned sacred mountain, Ayers Rock/Uluru. “It wasn’t by accident that Oprah attended a ceremony with Aborigine women as they had important work to do there on Uluru,” said Dr. Ellis, a wisdomkeeper. For many years she was a student of the late British Astrophysicist-mystic Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society.

“Some sacred mountains, such as Mt. Shasta, contain energy that can only be utilized by a small number of advanced souls,” said Dr. Ellis. But the 19 holy ones are easily accessible to all of us, no matter what level of spiritual development. And all it takes is a selfless prayer. Anyone of any age and culture can walk upon these holy mountains and access this amazing grace.


Besides Dr. King, researchers in 11 countries and Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Swiss Kurt Wuthrich, in the YouTube video, “Water: The Great Mystery,” have put science behind this spirituality. They verified Japanese Dr. Masaru Emoto’s tests how sincere words and feelings like “love and appreciation” in prayers and tribal ceremonies can any body of water, including oceans, and mountains of toxins by raising the vibration where toxins do not exist. This purification restores their natural precipitation cycles. Science is helping many more wake up and see how spiritual and practical solutions must go hand in hand.

While the AMA and TM have also proved in blind studies the power of prayers, the findings of Stanford’s Dr. William A. Tiller, author of Science and Human Transformation, who appeared in What the Bleep Do We Know!?, shed more light on the 19 Holy Mountains phenomena. Professor Tiller postulates the existence of subtle energies, and that human intention can even be stored in a device and then later released upon command – measurably.


These studies bring extra credibility to the wise ones saying that our weather is a reflection of our emotions. Everything we say or think is reflected or mirrored by Mother Earth. Just as scientists have found that our thoughts affect the clarity of water, they are also finding that fearful or negative thoughts and emotions result in destructive weather, while positive, compassionate, sunshiny thoughts result in mild weather and gentle precipitation as needed. So that is the extra power of praying and giving gratitude since they corral our runaway fears and transform them into positive and often wonderful outcomes.

In these challenging times around 2012, we can either further stir up this crazy destructive weather, or mellow it out by giving Mother Earth’s elements – the snow, rain, winds, clouds, our gratitude. And She will return it many times over, and when offered on these Holy Mountains, thousands of times over. Our taking a moment to contemplate incorporating the positive way, and better yet, explore enhancing our lives this way, would be an ideal present to give Her with love and appreciation on this July 8, what many call Gaia’s Birthday. We are Her work of heart!


Any safe spot you are drawn to on these holy mountains is a good place to pray. We can pray for healing and protection of the people of Japan and those near any reactors, and those near floods and fires throughout the world. We can pray for all people. We can pray for all our rivers, the Gulf and the oceans, and air. And we can pray that all radioactivity be transmuted now. We can pray for a world full of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for all. By seeing this happening and joyfully thanking Creator in advance many have found that in unity everything is possible. If you are unable to get to these mountains, you can send love from wherever you are, including with your kids who want to be part of the solution, said Dr. Ellis.


Hail to the people and leaders of Japan, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, China, Venezuela, Brazil and others, plus Colorado, who put the safety of their families over corporate profits. These countries have begun to either suspend or shut down all their nuclear plants or scratch plans. Hail to those who never bought into nuclear energy, such as Austria, Australia, New Zealand and Costa Rica, and their Green Tourism is now booming since they are safe places to take children. By shifting to safe wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, tidal and river turbine projects these nations are working in harmony with Nature’s Laws.

In so doing they are collectively improving their karma. Karma – individual and collective – is like a bank account and we have free choice to make bad or good deposits. We can make up for having to experience what we have consciously or unconsciously created, by wise action now. That is another reason I’m doing my part to raise awareness to help get our beloved America – now 7th out of 8 of the G8 countries in making green progress – also on a vibrantly sustainable path, and be more respected again by the world for doing our critical part.


Like the World Scouts, whose co-founder Ernest Seton was deeply inspired by the tribes, it is important to be prepared while trekking up these holy mountains. Many are best climbed in the summer to avoid excessive wind, cold and snow. Best to wear appropriate clothing and take food, water and equipment that might be needed, and go with a friend and let your friends or families know your route. But it is all worth it, since the wise ones say it is comparable to 3,000 other sincere souls praying with you, so you are in good company.


People of all cultures have gone on spiritual pilgrimages for eons, like to Arizona’s majestic Sedona (where I lived) whose vortices also augment prayers, or to Fatima, Portugal, and Assisi, Italy, where I visited the cave where St Francis, my spirit guide, lived. Pilgrimages are the great grandfather of Xtreme sports since they were often extreme tests of endurance and overcoming insurmountable obstacles. Today they are also a majestic workout that enhances our creative visions up there next to God, as all mountains do. Similarly, the Olympics started as a spiritual festival.

God bless Dr. King and the Aetherius Society for helping make humanity more aware of these holy mountains and how we can more easily and safely get to them. Given this gift is from a British Knight and Yogi, whose compassion for the people would make King Arthur proud, another reason the 2012 London Olympics may go on.


Dr. King always strongly emphasized the dangers of nuclear radiation to all life forms, and the importance of taking responsible steps for seeing to it that nuclear energy and weaponry are never used on this planet. Now is the last chance to ensure that our representatives shift our state or countries’ 2012 Budgets to safe renewable energy.

These sources of off-the-grid electricity can prevent more trillion dollar Fukushimas, which had only 48 hour back up electricity. Here are the nuclear reactors worldwide that are located near earthquake zones, which put the Human Race most at risk. . On June 16th, the NY Times ran the NRC’s report following the Fukushima catastrophe, which corroborated this “weakest safety link,” saying, “It is time to prepare for the possibility of an extended blackout.”

Independent energy sources can also prevent extended blackouts that will stop food and water supplies, computers, phone, cars, business and jobs – across possibly half of America (and world) for weeks or months from major solar flares in 2012,” NASA now warns us. (Japan’s undamaged wind turbines brought back public services to the Fukushima region.) This mayhem is highly preventable by telling our leaders to follow New Mexico’s lead and shift nuclear funds to quickly build these massive wind and solar projects near reactors.

July 11’s MailOnline reported that Great Britain is NOW working on their electrical contingency plan believing that “solar flares may blow out their national grid.” “It will be deadly for all of us if backup isn’t provided near nuclear plants NOW. There is no time to waste for putting those backups in place,” said a Native American Elder.

Special thanks to Gene Mulvihill and his Mountain Creek Ski Resort (NJ) and Gerald Pond, Director of the Ute Mt Casino (CO), both green leaders and champions of Native youth, for helping us get these solutions out to the world to accelerate restoring our harmony with Nature.


The Aetherius Society is planning more group pilgrimages to Mt Baldy in July, August and September, and are planning trips to Mt Tallac (Lake Tahoe) and likely Mt. Adams (NH) on July 23, Holdstone Down, North Devon – July 23rd, Mount Madrigerfluh, Switzerland, August 13th, Le Nid d’Aigle, France, August 23rd, and Devon, August 23rd. They warmly welcome all to take advantage of these blessed sources of healing worldwide and can assist in many ways. Contact or Tel:(323) 465-9652

If you have ever wanted to experience a pilgrimage to a holy mountain (or plan more) with family, friends, groups, or schools to also celebrate Mother Earth’s heart and all of Her gifts as we approach 2012, SOON would be a phenomenal time to begin.

Some call these mountains a special dispensation to humanity and Mother Earth to help ensure we get through this challenging transition with the ability to keep helping one another in meaningful ways. “Los Alamos is an example of how together our prayers can powerfully bring peace, healing, and protection, and uplift every living soul on Mother Earth, and Earth, Herself,” says Dr. Ellis.

Here again are the Holy Mountains nearest you. As well as ways to avert extinction and create a flourishing New Dawn!


In The Americas Eastern Los Angeles County – Mt. Baldy Northern California – Lake Tahoe Mount Tallac New Hampshire – Mount Adams Colorado, Aspen – Castle Peak

In Australia – New South Wales – Mount Kosciusko, Mount Ramshead

New Zealand – South Island – Mount Wakefield

Africa – Tanzania – Mount Kilimanjaro

Switzerland – Mount Madrigerfluh

In France – Le Nid D’Aigle

Great Britain – England Devon – Holdstone Down, Yes Tor Cornwall- Brown Willy Derbyshire – Kinderscout Cumbria – The Old Man of Coniston, Pen-Y-Fan Wales – Powys, Gwynedd, Carnedd Llywelyn Scotland – The Highlands – Ben Hope, Grampians – Creag-An-Leth Chain

10 MINUTES TOWARD A “NUCLEAR FREE” NEW DAWN FOR MOTHER EARTH – Ask your kids to give you a hand on the internet portion!

EARTH CITIZENS, please take one minute to tell the world’s leaders to cut nukes, NOT schools, jobs and healthcare. “World leaders are planning on spending one trillion US Dollars on more catastrophic nuclear energy” unless we act. Send this message on: . Plus any other similar measures in your country.

AMERICANS, Please call your two Senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to get off our path to extinction by taking these steps to finally safeguard the health of Man and Earth.

1. To end $50 BILLION + TAXPAYER LOANS FOR NEW NUCLEAR REACTORS –small, large or in-between through supporting Senate bill, S. 512.

2. To support the bill to END CORPORATE OIL Plus NUCLEAR SUBSIDIES, AND TAX LOOPHOLES for the most profitable corporations and shift the funds to off-the-grid renewables next to reactors, especially near GE ones, earthquake zones, oceans, and high populations for emergency back up. And then quickly for the rest of Americans as back up for “solar flare blackouts.” (NASA)

3. NO to Senate bill 953 and any other legislation that recklessly fast-tracks oil drilling in the devastated Gulf and pristine Alaska. Stop the “Mass Extinctions.”

4. To support and co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act S847 so America gets up to E.U. standards of banning toxins to restore our dying oceans: US now bans 5, and Europe 35.

Send a letter to the NRC demanding they immediately suspend the operating licenses of the most dangerous reactors – the 23 US GE Mark identical to Fukushima’s, as we move toward a 100% phase-out of nuclear power!

Please send a message of protest to tell Secretary Hillary Clinton that the Tar Sands Mining in Canada is heating up and destroying North America’s forests, water, and nursery for millions of our songbirds. So Say NO to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline across American lands to our refineries. Remember the devastating oil spill in our Yellowstone!

COLORADANS, tell Senators Mark Udall and Bennett NO to the Canadian URANIUM MILL in Paradox.

Click here to support House Bill HR1334 to redirect $50 BILLION annual funds FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS towards renewable energy and community needs. .

You are blessed!!

Contact: .

Suzy Chaffee
Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee Bio - as first woman on the USOC board in the 70s, she led the successful reform of the Olympic Rules with Legends like Bill Bradley, Muhammad Ali, Jack Kelly, Kip Keino, which leveled the playing fields with the government supported countries through Madison Ave, then led the Title IX March in DC. In 1996 she co-founded the Native American Olympic Team Foundation that has inspired ski areas across the US and Canada to invite tribal youth to share the joy of skiing with over 10,000 youth, which inspires their Elders to lead snowdances that have saved ski areas from droughts for 55 years. At the request of SLOC, she orchestrated a snowdance that restored their snow and also a Native ceremony with Ali, that protected Utah from expected terrorism, and every Olympics since then, including RIO!