New JerseySCHWENKSVILLE, Pa. /eNewsChannels/ — Millennium Administrators, Inc., a pharmacy benefits administrator, has signed a contract with the County of Middlesex, NJ to provide stand-alone pharmacy benefit services for County employees and their dependents. Millennium is providing administrative oversight for the stand-alone pharmacy benefit program, including cost containment initiatives, claim audits and administrative services to enhance cost saving initiatives at the County.

“It is our responsibility as a leading pharmacy benefits administrator to provide our clients innovative benefit design and other alternatives to reduce their current pharmacy utilization without sacrificing the quality of their present RX benefits,” said Sara B. Picard, president of Millennium Administrators, an affiliate of Millennium Healthcare Group.

“Controlling pharmacy spend year-to-year is what Millennium accomplishes for each client. With our strong pharmacy administration expertise, we have the ability to provide our clients the insight on how to maximize savings for the County and the taxpayers of Middlesex.”

About Millennium Administrators, Inc.:

Millennium provides employers, health insurance consultant/brokers and third party administrators stand-alone RX programs for over 40,000 members across the country. Millennium Administrators can provide clients a self-funded or fully insured stand-alone RX program that meets their specific needs. More information: .

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