STRONGSVILLE, Ohio — Nelson Tree Service, Inc., Dayton, Ohio announces the appointment of Robert “Bob” Turner, Jr. to Vice President. Turner has over 32 years experience in the line clearance industry and began working for Nelson in 1998 as Supervisor in New Jersey. Turner was then promoted to Assistant Area Manager and in 2004 was promoted to Regional Manager of the Northeast. He now oversees 400 plus employees working for nine utilities in four states including PSE&G, JCP&L, Sumter Electric and Energy.

Robert Turner JrTurner has coordinated hundreds of his crews on restoration efforts after catastrophic events such as hurricanes and ice storms.

Throughout his career, Turner has attended many continuing education classes in Dendrology and Vegetation Management at Rutgers University and recently completed a Labor Negotiations seminar at The Harvard School of Law. He is a New Jersey Certified Tree Expert, ISA Certified Arborist/Utility Specialist, Maryland Tree Expert and a Certified Pesticide Commercial Applicator in several states.

He is a board member for the New Jersey Shade Tree Federation and the Mountain Lake Vegetation Management Council in Virginia.

Turner resides with his family in Franklinville, New Jersey.

Since 1919, Nelson tree Service, Inc. headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, with facilities in Ashland, Ohio, Strongsville, Ohio and offices throughout the country, provides utility companies nationwide with line clearance services. Nelson offers a full range of vegetation management including customary line clearance trimming, complete storm restoration services, herbicide application and specialty off-road trimming programs.

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