eNewsChannels: East African heritage

WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: Coming on the heels of Lupita Nyong’o’s rise to fame, a new book “Whose Shoes Are You Wearing? 12 Steps to Uncovering the Woman You Really Want To Be” (ISBN: 9780996097802; Kkula Media; Paperback; May 13, 2014) written by East African sisters, Christine K. St. Vil and Julian B. Kiganda, pulls no punches, offering readers a unique and practical guide to self discovery and authentic living.

Nyong’o’s own East African heritage played a major role in her personal struggle with self love, as well as her triumph of self acceptance, and finding success in embracing all of what has made her a unique individual. St. Vil and Kiganda can relate — they experienced many of the same challenges as Africans growing up in America that Nyong’o has openly spoken about. Reconciling these issues, coupled with the universal themes of self love; finding your purpose and passion; trusting your spirit; and, learning to walk confidently in your own shoes, is what makes this book a must-have for anyone ready to live their lives boldly and fearlessly.

The book addresses issues faced by women of color on a daily basis, including how to integrate culture and heritage with the woman they aspire to be. “Whose Shoes Are You Wearing?” gives readers powerful insights from a spiritual perspective regarding the need to find and fit into their own God-given shoes.

Through stories of personal tragedy, heartbreak and ultimate triumph mixed with plenty of humor, St. Vil and Kiganda allow us to personally connect with their challenges. Through guided exercises, these sisters give us the space, time and the tools to arrive at the place where we can begin to see ourselves in “our own shoes.”

According to co-author Julian B. Kiganda “Our ultimate goal for the book is to bring this life-changing information on personal growth and transformation from a contemporary Christian perspective to women all over the world so that they have the practical tools they need to discover and walk in their purpose. Christine and I both love to connect with live audiences and share how we overcame our own personal challenges to walk in our purpose. We are passionate about helping others do the same. Our mission is to start a ‘Whose Shoes’ movement that inspires women to do the work on themselves in order to discover the life they were meant to live.”

Learn more at: http://www.whoseshoesbook.com/ .

Title: “Whose Shoes Are You Wearing? 12 Steps to Uncovering the Woman You Really Want to Be”
Authors: Christine K. St. Vil and Julian B. Kiganda.
Publisher: Kkula Media.
Paperback, $14.99 ISBN: 9780996097802.
On sale May 13, 2014.
Also available as an e-book.

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