CLEARWATER, Fla. — Broadband Productions Inc. launches global promotion of science fiction thriller “The End of Time” (ISBN: 1-4116-3846-8). The End of Time, by Randall Towe, is an apocalyptic science fiction thriller with an alien twist.

Synopsis: The darkness comes because it always does. Now its time has come again. The endless struggle between the forces of light and darkness wage on as one man’s obsession to uncover the truth and save his long lost love, bring him face to face with the powers of creation. A quest that will test his strength of will, defy his sense of reality and decide the fate of the world. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, failure is not an option as the battle against the forces of evil begins. A war to prevent the holocaust that will send mankind back to the Stone Age and enslave the world in darkness forever.

Randall Towe wrote The End of Time as reminder that we all need to live in the moment.

“The End of Time is a new story based on an old idea: good versus evil, but Randall has made this a totally different story. It’s a tale of two lovers torn apart by evil; the story of what man must suffer before he can know true happiness, the “truth” of why we are here. Overall, it is a good, fast paced story, with interesting characters, an epic battle and a satisfying ending. The often-written good versus evil story is done in an interesting enough way to make it stand out from other stories of a similar genre, and the plot moves with speed and it’s hard to put it down,” says Angela H.

Broadband Productions launched its recent global promotion of The End of Time (ISBN: 1-4116-3846-8) on October 23, 2006 and can be previewed at

The online promotion utilizes the latest technology to promote the book. Innovative technological tools include a professional streaming audio commercial, rotating banners and a contest to win an autographed copy of the book.

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[tags]Randall Towe, The End of Time, science fiction novel, Broadband Productions Inc, Lulu Publishing[/tags]