eNewsChannels COLUMN: CNN revealed on June 22, that “A mass extinction unlike anything human history has ever seen is coming unless we take swift action,” reported the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO). The cause is a combination of stressors: Radiation and lethally reacting pollutants, acidification, overfishing, and low oxygen from warming oceans, oil spills and plastic garbage killing the plankton that normally produces more oxygen than the rainforests.

Prayers by anyone, anytime, but especially on these 19 Holy Mountains, can further greatly help revive the oceans, including transmuting the radiation from Fukushima to protect humanity and Nature. It can also help minimize a nuclear threat now happening in America. Nebraska’s Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant just suffered a “catastrophic loss of cooling” after being deluged with flood waters from the Missouri River, with another nuclear plant downstream, which feeds into the Mississippi and the Gulf. This is not being reported by mainstream press.

The American Indian Tribes, led by Lakota Chief Arvol Lookinghorse, have united in praying for the rains to put out the wildfires of Arizona for all the people and Nature, and they invite everyone to join them.

Over the past four decades, many thousands of people of all religions have flocked to the 19 Holy Mountains worldwide to streamline healing Mother Earth and humanity. So spectacular has been the power of people sending pure love from these mountains that ordinary pilgrims and sightseers have had mystical experiences and witnessed powerful rays of pure white light in the area.

There are Holy Mountains in the U.S., Europe, Africa, Australia and NZ. (listed below) In North America, one of the holy mountains is Castle Peak, near Aspen, another Mt. Tallac overlooking Lake Tahoe, Mt. Adams in New Hampshire, and the fourth, Mt Baldy in Southern California’s San Gabriel Mountain Range.

Given these world crises, this June 25, or any time soon, would be an opportune moment to make a pilgrimage to a Holy Mt near you. Mayan Chief Don Alejandro said these kinds of cross-cultural ceremonies that reconnect us to the heart of Mother Earth are key to a smoother 2012. Especially when combined with right action. (See Addenda)

Our encouraging these world pilgrimages to Mt Baldy and other Holy Mountains, complimented the purpose of the Aetherius Society bringing together people of all faiths and backgrounds to join upon a Holy Mountain to cooperate for World Peace. They believe “the changes/challenges that we are seeing around the world are a result of humanity’s karma, as well as the great change of the Mother Earth Herself where she is raising Her vibrations. And prayers can lessen the trauma or intensity of the surface changes so we can better harmonize with the great ‘shift’ that is happening, including increased seismic activity worldwide, especially in the Pacific’s ‘Ring of Fire.'” See their inspiring video: http://sites.google.com/site/worldpeacepilgrimage/ .


Mt Baldy, one of the most powerful Holy Mountains, is about 50 minutes east of Los Angeles near Route 66 (210 freeway). Pilgrims in Southern California are meeting at 9 a.m. at the parking lot of Mt Baldy Ski Resort. (ski lift ride is about $12.) The Aetherius Society holds smaller Pilgrimages 4 or 5 times per year where they offer carpooling from their Headquarters on 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood, 3 blocks south of Sunset Blvd, and one block east of Vine. Tel. (323) 465-9652 More info on group pilgrimages, books, tapes…on many Continents on www.aetherius.org .


Oprah shared a heart expanding moment on her Australian TV show visiting renowned mystical Ayers Rock/Uluru. “It wasn’t by accident that Oprah attended a ceremony with Aborigine women as they had important work to do there on Uluru,” said Olivia Ellis, a gifted Cherokee Earth healer and wisdomkeeper. For many years she was a student of the late British Astrophysicist-mystic Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society.

Researchers in 11 countries and Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Swiss Kurt Wuthrich, in the YouTube video, “Water: The Great Mystery,” have also put science behind this spirituality. They verified Japanese Dr. Masaru Emoto’s tests how sincere words and feelings like love and appreciation in prayers and tribal ceremonies can purify mountains and oceans…of toxins, by raising the vibration of water or mountains where toxins do not exist, which restores their natural precipitation cycles.

Thank heaven Olivia also told me about the 19 holy mountains throughout the world that were spiritually energized, almost like batteries, in such a way that the “prayers by everyone on them with a heart full of compassion, are magnified thousands of times over, and can literally alter the course of history.”

“Some ‘sacred mountains,’ such as Mt. Shasta, contain energy that can only be utilized by a small number of advanced souls,” said Dr. Ellis, “but these 19 Holy Mountains are easily accessible to all of us, no matter what level of spiritual development. All it takes is a selfless prayer. Anyone of any age and culture can walk upon these 19 powerfully energized mountains and send out prayers that will uplift, heal, and bring peace and healing to every living soul on Mother Earth, and to Mother Earth, Herself.”


Hail to U.N.’s 192 nation states for their landmark interactive dialogue on “harmony with nature” that discussed how we are all interrelated, and that Mother Earth is a living entity, and explored giving Her the same rights as humans, inspired by the recent laws of Ecuador and Indigenous Bolivia.


Any safe spot you are drawn to on these mountains is a good place to pray on behalf of others. Go to one and pray for the people of Japan, pray for our oceans and air, and join with the tribes in praying so the winds stop and heavenly walls of rain (without lightning please) protects all the people, the plants, animals and firefighters of Arizona and anywhere else, and we pray that all radioactivity be transmuted now. See this happening and joyfully thank Creator in advance. In blessed unity, especially on these holy mountains, everything is possible, as these tragedies are reminding us that we are one family.


We also pray for all the people who have pushed for or allowed a nuclear reactor(s) to be built in their state or country. I learned through this research that according to the laws of karma, of cause and effect, that they will experience the horrifying results of living near Chernobyl or Fukushima, as the wise ones say ignorance and distractions are no excuse as we were given minds, intuition and discernment. Karma is like a bank account and we have free choice to make good and bad deposits. Another reason I’m doing my part!

Therefore these mountains would also be a perfect place to join with family, friends, groups, including schools, in celebrating Mother Earth’s Heart and all of Her gifts, since these mountains have been revered for eons by Indigenous people who lived near them. And when two or more are gathered, prayers are much stronger. Indigenous Peoples know instinctively to send out great love and appreciation to these magnificent mountains who provide life-giving waters and spiritual energy.


“My husband Steve and I lived for years at Mt. Baldy’s 6,000 foot level where our cabin looked into the forests on one side and out onto the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island on the other side. We were fortunate to have the Mt. Baldy Zen Center as our neighbor reminding us to be aware of every breath we took. Each morning at 4 a.m. we would be softly awakened by their prayers, the chanting filtering through the sacred grove of trees between our houses. Like the tribes, they know the importance of praying before and during dawn, and how praying at noon and sunset also intensifies prayers,” said Ellis.

“Many people drive up to the ski lift on their way to the top to pray. Edna Spencer, in her 80s, hiked there every week, driving out from Los Angeles on her one day off work. Those unable to go to the top remain in a grove at the top of the lift along a ridge that looks out over the Los Angeles Basin. Great waves of healing pour out to the millions living below that ledge and out to the sea, as do all the Holy Mountains,” said Dr. Ellis.


Across the valley from Mt. Baldy are the San Bernardino Mountains, which are joined by an energy link. In 2004, the Big Bear Lake community hosted a Journey of the Heart Gathering to try an ancient alternative to costly toxic cloud seeding, in hopes of ending their devastating seven-year drought that had reduced their lake to a pond. The forests were dying and wildfires were rampant. So they invited Indigenous healers from around the globe, including the Bushmen of the Kalahari.

Judy Gray, producer of the LA Ski Dazzle Show told me on the phone as I was heading to their 2004 Show how their local ski areas were enjoying record snows, business was booming, and the KTLA weatherman thanked the tribes for the “best snow in 50 years.” So I said, “Why don’t we give skiers and boarders at the Show a chance to honor some of the folks who made it happen. She loved the idea and about a dozen of the 200 Red, White, Black and Yellow participants, mainly women, came, took a bow, and shared their miraculous Big Bear Medicine Wheel experience, including Gina Weis, the Big Bear Lake Community organizer. Akima Castineda, a spiritual leader of the coastal Chumash tribe led a Gratitude Snowdance ceremony with his fellow magnificent dancers, which mesmerized many, including my friend/X rival, Nancy Greene, Canadian Olympic legend turned member of Parliament and World Freestyle Champion, Bob Salerno.

That Snowdance Celebration exuded such sincere joyous appreciation that we saw on the Weather Channel the next day it was snowing across the whole West, where the tribes just did snowdances at the major Ski Shows, while being honored as “Colorado, Washington and California’s First Caretakers.” Our Native American Olympic Team Foundation dreamed up this First Caretakers Tour with Bernie Weitschel and his Colorado SnowSports Expo, with organic NUTIVA as a sponsor, thanks to Gary Petersen, Governor Schwarzenegger environmental advisor. More delighted ski areas in all three states were inspired to invite nearby tribal youth to ski and board, especially at Big Bear Lake, where the song, “All I need is a miracle” was coincidentally playing on Snow Summits’ PA system as our group of Native kids arrived to be treated like homecoming heroes. But first they sang and drummed a Snow Gratitude song.

Ellis emphasized that “Mt. Baldy had served as a powerful trigger point for all the sacred sites of this Big Bear Medicine Wheel. Every one of the following Holy Mountains can help you trigger those kinds of gifts and healings for our oceans, Mother Earth, and all who live upon Her.”

Many of these mountains are best climbed in the summer months to avoid excessive wind, cold and snow. To avoid all unnecessary risk, wear appropriate clothing and take food, water and equipment that might be needed, and go with a friend, and let your friends or families know your route. The wise ones say that prayers on these holy mountains can amplify prayers comparable to 3,000 other sincere people praying with you, so you will be in good company. They are a kind of a special dispensation to give Mother Earth and humanity a helping hand through this challenging shift to the prophesied glorious 1,000 years of Peace.

Any body of water is also a sacred site that augments prayers, especially the oceans. But God bless Dr. King and the Aetherius Society for helping make humanity aware of these holy mountains and make them more available to us. People of all cultures have done sacred Pilgrimages for eons. So if you ever wanted to experience doing a pilgrimage, doing one to a Holy Mountain as we approach 2012, would be a phenomenal choice, while getting a beautiful workout where we sweat out toxins, which also raises our vibration and enhances our creative juices up there next to God.


Dr. King always strongly emphasized the dangers of the death toxin, radiation, and the importance of taking responsibility. Today that means insisting our representatives shift our countries’ 2012 Budgets to safe renewable energy NOW. Especially to have sources of off-the-grid electricity “to prevent extended blackouts across possibly half of America for weeks or months from major solar flares in 2012,” NASA now warns us.

By the U.S. and other countries following New Mexico’s lead in building off-the-grid wind and solar energy projects near reactors, we can together prevent more meltdowns in America and other countries by giving reactors extended emergency backup power – instead of 48 hours of most reactors. This strategy could have prevented Fukushima’s disaster that may make Japan uninhabitable, along with poisoning our oceans and humanity. On June 16th, the NY Times reported that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission task force following the Fukushima catastrophe addressed the weakest safety link: “It is time to prepare for the possibility of an extended blackout.” (REF: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/16/business/energy-environment/16nrc.html?_r=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha23 .)

The Aetherius Society is planning more group pilgrimages to Mt Baldy in July, August and September, and warmly welcomes all. Special thanks to Gene Mulvihill’s NJ Mountain Creek Ski Resort and the Ute Mt Casino for helping make this possible.

Here are the Holy Mountains nearest you, as well as the political education and action we must take. In unity, our Earth Family can create a more conscious flourishing New Dawn.


In The Americas
Eastern Los Angeles County – Mt. Baldy
Northern California – Lake Tahoe Mount Tallac
New Hampshire – Mount Adams
Colorado, Aspen – Castle Peak

In Australia – New South Wales – Mount Kosciusko, Mount Ramshead
New Zealand – South Island – Mount Wakefield
Africa – Tanzania – Mount Kilimanjaro
Switzerland – Mount Madrigerfluh
In France – Le Nid D’Aigle

Great Britain – England
Devon – Holdstone Down, Yes Tor
Cornwall- Brown Willy
Derbyshire – Kinderscout
Cumbria – The Old Man of Coniston, Pen-Y-Fan

Wales – Powys, Gwynedd, Carnedd Llywelyn
Scotland – The Highlands – Ben Hope,
Grampian – Creag-An-Leth-Chain


EARTH CITIZENS, Please take one minute to tell the world’s leader’s to cut nukes, not schools, jobs and healthcare: .

AMERICANS, Please Call your two Senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them:

1. To end $50 BILLION + TAXPAYER LOANS FOR NEW NUCLEAR REACTORS –small, large or in-between through supporting Senate bill, S. 512.

2. To support the bill to END CORPORATE OIL Plus NUCLEAR SUBSIDIES, AND TAX LOOPHOLES for the most profitable corporations.

3. NO to Senate bill 953 and any other legislation that recklessly fast-tracks oil drilling in devastated Gulf and pristine Alaska. To keep contaminating our “dying” oceans is suicide!

4. To support and co-sponsor the Safe Chemicals Act S847 so America gets up to E.U. standards of banning toxins to save our children and oceans: US now bans 5, and Europe 35.

COLORADANS, tell Senators Mark Udall and Bennett NO to the Canadian URANIUM MILL in Paradox.

Click the link that follows, to support House Bill HR1334 to redirect $50 BILLION annual funds FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS towards renewable energy and community needs: .

You are blessed!!

Editor’s Note: opinions expressed are those of the author, and may not reflect any opinion of this publication (eNewsChannels.com); story has not been copy-edited by our staff and is presented as written. Photo courtesy: Aetherius Society and © 2009 – used by permission. For questions about this story, contact: Suzynativevoices@aol.com .

Suzy Chaffee
Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee Bio - as first woman on the USOC board in the 70s, she led the successful reform of the Olympic Rules with Legends like Bill Bradley, Muhammad Ali, Jack Kelly, Kip Keino, which leveled the playing fields with the government supported countries through Madison Ave, then led the Title IX March in DC. In 1996 she co-founded the Native American Olympic Team Foundation that has inspired ski areas across the US and Canada to invite tribal youth to share the joy of skiing with over 10,000 youth, which inspires their Elders to lead snowdances that have saved ski areas from droughts for 55 years. At the request of SLOC, she orchestrated a snowdance that restored their snow and also a Native ceremony with Ali, that protected Utah from expected terrorism, and every Olympics since then, including RIO!