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SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: MCT Trading, Inc., a recognized industry leader in mortgage risk management providing pipeline hedging, best-execution loan sales and centralized lock desk services, announced that the San Diego Business Journal’s (SDBJ) has named the company to its annual Best Places to Work list for the fourth year in a row.

The Best Places to Work awards program is comprised of 100 companies split into four separate categories: 35 small-sized companies (15-49 U.S. employees), 35 medium-sized companies (50-249 U.S. employees), 17 large-sized companies (250-1,999 U.S. employees), and 13 mega-sized companies (2,000 or more U.S. employees). Headquartered in downtown San Diego overlooking PetCo Park, MCT was in the small company category.

The award is designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in San Diego that benefit the county’s economy, workforce, and businesses. Companies are ranked based on an extensive two-part employee survey process to determine specific rankings for the Best Places to Work in San Diego, which will be unveiled at a ceremony in August.

“Companies named to the annual list have worked hard to provide a great place for their employees to work,” stated the publication. In addition, “Best Places to Work winners have best practices that include: rewarding hard-working employees, investing in employee training, offering wellness and fitness programs, and providing opportunities for team-building and social activities.”

To be considered for the award, companies had to fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
* Be a for-profit, not-for-profit business or government entity;
* Be a publicly or privately held business;
* Have a facility in San Diego County;
* Have at least 15 employees in San Diego County;
* Be in business a minimum of one year.

The list-making companies will be honored at an awards ceremony on Thursday, August 6 at the Paradise Point & Spa where the formal rankings will be revealed. A special issue of the SDBJ will profile the winners along with their rankings that will be published on August 17.

For more information on the “Best Places to Work in San Diego” program, visit http://www.BestPlacestoWorkSD.com/.

About MCT Trading:

MCT Trading (MCT) is a risk management and advisory services company providing independent analysis, training, hedging strategy and loan sale execution support to clients engaged in the secondary mortgage market. Founded in San Diego, California in May 2001, the company has expanded to include field sales and support offices in Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco and Charlotte.

MCT is a recognized leader in the industry and currently supports more than 100 clients on the HALO (Hedging And Loan sales Optimization) Program. The company also develops and supports MCTlive!(TM), an award-winning real-time, trading and best-execution secondary marketing platform. MCT’s LockCentral is the industry’s largest outsourced centralized lock desk service.

For more information, please visit http://www.mct-trading.com/ or call (619) 543-5111.

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