Bovee & Thill Craft Website for Business Communication College Instructors
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Business Communication Headline News announces the launch of a unique interactive website for business communication college instructors. Courtland Bovee and John Thill, the leading authors of business communication college textbooks, designed the website to be used as a college classroom tool.
Sdoia-Satz Announces Opening of Division of Music Education Consultants and Clinicians

Successful Pilot Leads to District-Wide Implementation of Caselite Software in Muskegon County's North Service Unit
MUSKEGON, Mich. and CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Caselite Software specializes in online therapy scheduling for school-based speech-language pathologists and analytical reporting for district administrators working in the schools; Muskegon County's North Service Unit is located on the shores of Lake Michigan and offers state-of-the-art technology combined with a comprehensive and challenging curriculum.
Mundus Institute and Chinese Government to Launch Historic Joint Venture

Danfranc Productions is Not Just Another Pretty Face in the Pageant Business

22nd Annual Missouri Business Week About to Launch
COLUMBIA, Mo. -- Over 150 students from 80 Missouri High Schools will prepare for a future in business at the 22nd Annual Missouri Business Week (MBW), to be held in Columbia, June 24-28 on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. The CENTER for Education & Private Enterprise(R), the not-for-profit foundation of the Missouri Association of REALTORS(R), sponsors the event.
California State Programs Pay Education Loans for Certain Qualified Professions

New Economical and Innovative Plenum Rated, 2 Channel Mixer/Amplifier for Classrooms, Boardrooms, Conference & Training Rooms for Enhanced Audio Offers New Way for Students to Study for Biology and Chemistry Regents Exams
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- It's that time of year again! The time where almost every high school student in New York is stressing about Regents Exams. Administered statewide, Regents Exams assess student aptitude on a variety of subjects, and passing is a requirement for students to receive a Regents diploma.
Evening at Emory: Emory University Welcomes Erica Glasener of HGTV's Gardener's Diary
ATLANTA, Ga. -- Evening at Emory, a program of Emory University's Center for Lifelong Learning, is providing a unique opportunity for people to have a behind-the-scenes peek at the "Gardener's Diary" - a daily program appearing on Home and Garden Television (HGTV); the first class will be held on May 15 from 7 to 8:15 p.m. and is entitled "Outstanding Ornamentals for Your Georgia Garden."