WARRINGTON, Pa. — The blustery weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of the Special Equestrians riders at the Annual Spring Festival. Thirty-three students preformed for their own families, members of the community, staff, volunteers, and board members of Special Equestrians. This event has historically been open to just the riders’ families, but last year the Special Equestrians staff decided to invite local craft vendors and open the event to the community at large.

“This shift has allowed our riders the chance to shine in front of a larger audience, they are so proud to demonstrate the skills they have learned during the year,” says Assistant Executive Director Tracey Dripps. “It’s also great to see our students back in competition at Thorncroft, it’s been several years since we have been in the local shows.”

The show at Thorncroft Equestrian Center was a new experience for the thirteen students who participated and for their parents as well. Melissa Hallman sat nervously watching her son Blake, “I think he’s the youngest one out there!” Blake was the youngest rider from Special Equestrians, at just 5 years old he took home fourth place in his class.

Special Equestrians, a Forbes Enterprise Award winner, is a 501(c) 3 non-profit therapeutic riding program located at 2800 Street Road in Warrington, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to improve the physical, mental, and emotional well being of individuals with disabilities through the equine experience.

Founded in 1982 Special Equestrians has grown from a one horse, one rider, one volunteer program to a thriving organization with 9 horses, 17 staff members, and over 100 volunteers serving 125 children and adults with emotional, mental and physical disabilities each year.

For more information please call 215-918-1001, or visit our website at www.specialequestrians.org .