DALLAS, Texas — Businesses who generate hazardous waste in Texas must assure their operations comply with both the Federal Environmental Protection Agency regulations and the additional mandates imposed by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Lion Technology Inc., a nationally renowned regulatory compliance training firm, will present its three-day workshops on Federal and Texas-specific industrial and hazardous waste management. Workshops will be held in Houston on Feb. 10-12, Dallas on Feb. 17-19, and San Antonio on Feb. 22-24, 2010. Registration includes three days of hands-on instruction, comprehensive references include both the Federal and State hazardous and industrial waste regulations, networking luncheon, certificate of achievement, and 365 days of follow-up support.

Group discounts apply to three or more registrations. Sign-in is at 7:30 a.m. and training starts at 8:30 a.m. Pre-registration is recommended. To register, call (888) 546-6511 or visit www.lion.com .

Tuition for the Federal and Texas-specific combined workshop is $995 per person, with group discounts available. Day one and two is the Hazardous/Toxic Waste Management workshop, covering the Federal RCRA regulations. Day three is the Industrial and Hazardous Waste in Texas workshop, covering the Texas-specific RCRA regulations. If the courses are purchased individually, the federal course (day one and two) is $795 per person and the Texas-specific course is $495 per person.

Training topics include:
* What are regulated hazardous and industrial waste.
* The unique rules for paint, pesticides, mercury-containing thermostats, and lamps.
* How to properly manage these materials onsite.
* What are the additional Texas rules for managing waste.
* What waste management activities require a permit.
* Recordkeeping, notifications, and reporting requirements.
* How to ship and complete the hazardous waste manifest
* Rules for recycling and disposal.

Lion Technology Director of Corporate Training, Scott Dunsmore, a national expert on hazardous waste management, stresses that proper hazardous waste handling, management, and disposal is essential. “With a slow economy and budget tightening, the reflex is to go towards shorter and cheaper training. However, with enforcement initiatives on the increase, short changing your training puts you at risk of costing you more in the long run. EHS excellence is critical to business success.”

About Lion Technology:

Since 1977, more than 100,000 professionals have relied on Lion Technology to meet their regulatory compliance training needs. Lion offers comprehensive training and resources in the area of environmental, hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation, and workplace health and safety compliance. Training is offered through nationwide public workshops, live web seminars, online courses, and on-site programs. Regulatory support services and consulting are provided to assist industry comply with Federal and State laws and regulations.

More information: www.lion.com .