JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Texting is the new communication wave that is causing countless accidents on the road. This week, Textecution announced a user-friendly application for parents to install on their children’s phone to disable texting and Internet functions while driving. Currently, Textecution can be installed on an Android device such as the Google G1. The development team of Textecution at eLYK innovation is working on other Textecution versions, including one for the iPhone.

TextecutionJonathan Young, the president of Jonathan Young Enterprises, LLC, the parent company of Textecution™, said: “My own children were the inspiration behind Textecution. As a parent, I was concerned about their safety, and I felt that the temptation for them to text while driving was simply too great.”

Studies have been done to prove that driving while texting is a leading factor in accidents, and nearly 50 percent of teens admit to text messaging while driving. This is an alarming statistic that now rivals driving and drinking in terms of danger and prevalence.

Textecution currently costs only $9.99, making it an inexpensive phone application that addresses the priceless need to kill texting functions while driving.

So, how does it work? Once installed, Textecution sits quietly in the background and allows the user to use their phone as normal. Once Textecution recognizes that the phone is traveling faster than 10 miles per hour, Textecution disables the phone’s texting function so text messages cannot be sent or received. When the phone is at rest or traveling at a speed less than 10 miles per hour, the texting feature is seamlessly enabled. To further help eliminate distractions, Textecution also has the ability to disable Internet functions at no additional charge.

Textecution could also prove to be beneficial to employers. Textecution could be installed on employees’ cell phones, which would prevent employees from negligently causing an accident by texting while driving during the course of their employment duties, which would in turn reduce the employer’s exposure to any vicarious liability.

For more information, visit: http://www.textecution.com/

Send2Press(R) is the originating wire service for this story, Copr. 2009.
[tags]Textecution safety application, Jonathan Young Enterprises, disable texting while driving[/tags]