Tags Aviv Clinics

Tag: Aviv Clinics

Brain and Body Performance Leader Launches Aviv Golf Performance Program

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Global leader in brain and body performance, Aviv Clinics, is now offering the Aviv Golf Performance Program, a world class experience with more than 50 courses and three expert academies led by PGA/LPGA instructors, designed with an intensive focus on golf skill and capabilities. Centered around Aviv's proprietary hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) medical treatment, the program has demonstrated to enhance strength, movement, balance, focus, attention, physical and mental stamina.

Boomer Brains Declining Faster Than Earlier Generations, Despite Higher Wealth, Education, says Aviv Clinics

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Despite U.S. Baby Boomers having the longest life expectancy in history, their brains are aging at a faster rate than previous generations, according to a recent Ohio State University nationwide study. The feared complexities of living an increasingly longer life - but with a quickly declining brain - is evitable for those able and willing to invest in advanced treatments, such as the Aviv Medical Program.

Aviv Clinics opens its state-of-the-art, 30,000-square-foot medical facility at The Center for Advanced Healthcare in The Villages, Florida

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- World leader in improving brain performance, Aviv Clinics, has opened its state-of-the-art, 30,000-square-foot medical facility - the first treatment center of its kind in North America. The practice, located at The Center for Advanced Healthcare in The Villages, Florida, is dedicated to Aviv's scientifically evidenced medical program concentrated in hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).